a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, June 16, 2012

SC111-Has it really been a decade?

Time for Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus.The prompt this week is: 'Has it really been a decade?'

Number of words: 100 plus the 6 words of the prompt. 106 total.  Style of writing: Any  Pictures: Any you want to share.

“Has it really been a decade?” he asked while brushing and braiding my long hair. I wondered why. I was thirteen. I knew what a decade was.

I didn’t remember Mama but Paul talked a lot about her. He asked me to call him Paul since Daddy made him feel so old. He would always laugh when he said that.

We moved around a lot but that was okay. “It’s just you and me, kid," Paul always said.

Learning a new phrase that morning, Age Progression, I stared at myself on the milk carton.

Then Paul asked, “Kitten, are you ready to play our little game?”


Lynne said...

Didn't like the thoughts AT ALL but amazed at your Age Progression creativity . . . I need a continuation to 106 words . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

very interesting start to a story. mine needs to be the first sentence
had it been two decades? nothing much changed in the last decade.

Dreaming said...

Super...great 'chill-bump inducing' twist!
Did Elizabeth Smart's kidnapping, a decade ago, influence your writing?

Bookie said...

Scary because it is so real!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Great 106. Made chill bumps appear.


TexWisGirl said...

nice job.

Mary Aalgaard said...

EW! That definitely provoked a strong emotion. Well written.

Susan Anderson said...

Really disturbing.

Well done, Gail!


Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

*shudders* I am afraid that is a true reality for many children. We can only hope they will be found.

Good write!

~Naila Moon

cj Schlottman said...

You had me right up to the sinister end. I think this is a really good use of 100 words, and I love the concrete images.


Irene said...

That was very disturbing. Where does your mind go?

Viki said...

Ugh, it started out so nice and then wham what a detour. I guess that's what makes it a creative way to take it, it was very unexpected.

Rudee said...

Oohh...a little bit creepy there.

anitamombanita said...

Wow' can I just say that that was super creepy.?...very well written.

LilliStJohn said...

Thanks Gail, for another CREEPY 100 words.You captured it all introducing the image of herself on the milk carton. CREEPY!

Laurel's Quill said...

EEEEEUUUUUWWWWW! Gross! Creepy too..What made ya think of that one, girlfriend?!

Pat said...

Amazing what you can do with so little words! True, I wanted to vomit my dinner all over the computer, but still, this was great!

Judie said...

Gail, you did an excellent job with the prompt. Chilling, but unfortunately, way too true these days.

Jenny said...




What incredible writing here.

I didn't see the twist coming...and then...


This was really incredibly vivid writing.


At the risk of being repetitive...


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