a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Like Funky...

I like color, unique items, historical items and comfort.  This is my stopping spot.  Throw my purse on Granny's old chair from the drugstore/soda fountain closed umpteen years ago.  Keys and loose things go in the tray on the small chest.  Shoes stop here too.  Notice my lime green flip flops, the trash I should have emptied and a concrete lawn statue named after a dear friend.  I must decide how to hide that cord.
I like color.  One of my paintings along with a cobbler's stool.
One side of the fireplace mantle holds a toy from a dear friend
and a lantern from generations past.
I enjoy lining things up
I enjoy lines
The Blogger alignment gods did not listen to me today.
I enjoy repurposing items.  This is a painted sewing machine table used for my tv stand and underneath is a black walnut table made by Dad.
As the commercial says, "How you like me now?"


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You have some neat old treasures and I love your painting.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I like funky too but the best thing about this is you are so lucky to have memories attached to all you funky and that is what it is all about my friend. B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like you lots and i like color to, your orange painting is really pretty. now we know you better, great post to introduce yourself, your real self to us.

TexWisGirl said...

you are eclectic. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

I like your splashes of red here and there. I read once that every room should have at least one red piece:)

Sandy Livesay said...

I like funky and being unique. Vibrant colors and placing things in rows or lines. The mixture of wood, color, rows and rock, make your place so inviting and relaxing at the same time.

Dar said...

That's what makes us 'unique.'
We have the same oil lamp and your red stool reminds me of the soda fountain my GAunt had in her store. Very cool to be you.

Farm Girl said...

I like funky too. I think it adds so much to decorating. I like how yours looks today.

Country Gal said...

It's what ever makes you happy when you look at it that makes it count . I like your funkiness to all looks great ! I however didn't take you as a funky purse person though HUH we learn knew things about our blogger buddies all the time don't we ? I like it ! Have a great day !

Brian Miller said...

nice...i like old things..the toy and lantern are very cool to me...we keep a few lanterns for when the power goes out...it is what ever you are comfortable with

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I had to smile! I LOVE this post.
You so very seldom show your home..and this was great. Ok..Loved the lamp..naturally! And of course I loved the red chair..but then your handbag caught my eye...gotta go back and look again. I LOVE handbags!

Just looking at things of yours..I don't know..it's just a good thing for me. Made me feel good!! I KNOW you are out there..
being my friend.

Susan Kane said...

Your house is like mine. I like to surround myself with pieces that have a history. Forget IKEA.

LindaG said...

Awesome room, Gail. You did a great job with it.
Have a wonderful night!

Susan Anderson said...

Your fireplace looks almost exactly like my living room one!


Pat said...

You definitely have eclectic taste! ;)

That is an adorable idea to paint the sewing cabinet!

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