a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, October 26, 2012

Update On My Babies...

Many of you may remember I used to have horses.  It was a dream all my life and finally it was true.  There are many posts that talk of them, many pictures, but this one was the most poignant, the most painful, the one I was proudest of and the most sad about.

I heard a rumor that my, no longer mine, horses had been sold.  I panicked, I deliberated, I fumed. 

I finally called the ranch to see if it were true. 

Nope, not sold just promoted.  They have gone to another facility within the organization where only the really trained horses go. 

My beautiful gentle babies have moved to The Big Barn, The Show Barn, The Completely Horse Crazy kid place.  An indoor arena, a big barn and two outdoor arenas where they are brushed, coddled, petted, ridden and loved every moment of every day. They are continuing to help children learn how to love and be responsible for another living creature.

This was the gift I wanted to give when I gave up my dream.  I love you, my babies, I still miss you.
Live long and love, my beauties.


♥ Helen said...

So nice to read these news about your dear horses.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail what a loving woman you are I know how hard that was you did such a great thing. I am so glad they are being loved like they were when you had them. They look great. They are happy as you should be. HUGS B

T. Powell Coltrin said...

This is good news. You did the right thing.

Sandy Livesay said...

Like I said before, you have a large heart full of love.
Your horses are beautiful, I'm glad that their in a special place to help kids.

Lynne said...

I really liked learning something new about you! What a wonderful gift for the children . . . from you.

Great to know the horses are still where you took them, just moved on up to the "palace setting!"

I am sad as I think about how difficult this decision might have been for you. Thrilled though, that your gift is giving joy to the children. Your love lives on!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is heartbreaking to read and also uplifting from the gift you gave away. i did go back and read the other story and then came here and was getting MAD thinking they sold them, then i got to the GREAT news. such a sweet sweet story

Irene said...

I still can't read about this without getting sad no matter how well I know the horses are doing. I have almost forgiven you, though, and I guess one day I will be completely over it. I am glad that the horses are doing useful work and that is a big consolation. xox

Country Gal said...
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Country Gal said...

I am so glad to hear they are doing so well and are able to give the kids the ability to ride them and love them . What you did was amazing my friend and for that you made so many kids happy ! Hats off to you !

ellen abbott said...

I know you were sad to let them go but you must be so happy about the good work they are doing.

Far Side of Fifty said...

What good news!! Hope that news makes you feel a bit better about your decision:)

TexWisGirl said...

oh, that is good news. i know how hard this must have been to let them go.

LindaG said...

Wonderful news, Gail. So glad to hear it.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Rudee said...

Well if they've been promoted, that's really a tribute to you, Gail. I'm so glad to hear this!

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Gail...so happy to know those babies of yours are loved and taken such great care of....Love horses so....Blessings Francine.

Golden Eagle said...

It must have been hard to hear the rumor they'd been sold! It's wonderful that your horses were promoted, though.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh! Such a wonderful and happy life for your beautiful horses. You were and are such a generous and giving person for allowing them to move forward in their lives touching and positively affecting other's lives along the way.

I am sure it is bittersweet for you, but I admire you greatly for what you have done.


Susan Anderson said...

I'm so glad all is well with these animals you love so much.

What a gift you gave!


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