a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's Thursday's Things In A Row Time...

 Time again for me to roam
Off to the capitol but not alone.
Rows of buildings
Rows of cars
This far from home is just too far!
Rows of brick
Rows of glass
Car bridges, train bridges
Buildings in  a row.
This bad sister left Marcy at the doc's
And shopping I did go.
I was here
and here
Lowe's, Home Depot,
Micheal's and Pier One.
Didn't take long to get my looking done.

Back to the Doc
Marcy has been freed
For checkups closer to home.


TexWisGirl said...

oh, good news!

Susan Anderson said...

So glad to hear she is doing that well!

And no more unwanted trips to the city!!


Pat said...

Oh the places you have been! I just KNOW you pulled over to take those pictures on the road, right?

So glad Marcy is coming along well.

Imagine you in the city. Huh.

Glad to see your link worked today.

Imagine that. Huh.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Yeah Marcy!!!!!!!

I think that shopping is what any good sister would have done:) B

C-ingspots said...

So glad your sis is doing ok! Interesting thing about cities - no matter where you go, they all look the same to me. Big buildings, freeways, cars, congestion, signs...ack!!! Hate them all!!! And, even the same old stores clear out here on the West coast. Give me the quaint charms and character of America's small towns any day!!! So glad you made it and are back home. Really enjoyed your rhyming and almost musical post...you've got talent gal!!

Sandy Livesay said...

Yay!!!! Freedom from having to drive the distance to the hospital. Now you can go to a local/closer doctor.
I would have gone shopping too. Did you find anything interesting at Pier One Imports. I haven't been to this store in years.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yippee you are freeee from trips to the big city. yipeee again. i like ALL your wonders in a row from the big city

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Gail, so happy to hear things are going well....Yey!!!! Blessings Francine.

Country Gal said...

So glad Marcy is doing well ! Loved your post and photos ! Have a good day !

Irene said...

Iy's great that Marcy can have her treatments closer to home now and that will relieve you of that long drive into the city. Although that was a bit of an adventaure, wasn't it? It did push you past your comfort zone and sometimes that is good. I like your photos and think they are very artistic, especially the one of the bridge. Could there be a photographer hiding in you? xox

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo!!! Don't ya just love good news. :o)

I know from experience those miles get mighty tiresome.

I hope your day was beautifully blessed sweetie! :o)

LindaG said...

Wonderful news, Gail.
Glad you had such a good trip, too.
Have a blessed Friday! ♥

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

This is EXACTLY what I get for not getting over here to visit. Just a lot happening in my life..not that that is an excuse. Even my posts have be spaced and lame.
Things in a row. Everytime you do a post on this..and I happen to catch it..it kind of tickles me how mankind do sort of line things up. :)
Remind me to tell you about stepping on..apparently a dog tonight..it yelped..and there was NO dog! I'm losing it. I really AM losing it! I dropped my fresh sheets and ran! I would laugh but it wasn't even funny!
I've missed you!

Rudee said...

Congratulations, Marcy!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yeah! Marcy is getting better then! :)

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