a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Mag 141

Time to flex those talented muscles and write one for The Mag at Magpie Tales.
In the rain wrapping his coat
About her
The loving gesture and
Words won her heart

In the rain umbrella forgotten
The icy fingers
Soaked them
Bonded them.

Making a child took two
And a lifetime
The kiss celebrated
This promise in the rain.


Lynne said...

Reflective . . .

Susan Anderson said...

and what a lovely promise in the rain it was...


Buttons Thoughts said...

You are very good at this Gail. B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is great but i was expecting The Dark Side, something like as they kissed in the rain, the sound of screeching brakes filled the air, WHAM. see I did it for you

TexWisGirl said...

quite the romantic.

i'm laughing at sandra, tho.

LilliStJohn said...

OK, so the romantic side came out and I was expecting the second verse to move to "Dark Side". Ha, ha - you fooled us all. I'm smiling cause I was expecting foul play kiddo. he,he
thanks for the news about the storm down your way. Hope you are all OK, warm n safe. We are on Flood Alert here and watching water rise - do not want a bad flood like two years ago - that's some comparison that Buddy did on the internet - rather larger, this storm Sandy, eh!
Cruise ship left late yesterday - silly them - I woulda battened down the hatches and put everyone up for the night - all kinds of motels/hotels for safety. We saw the "Bounty" go down on video, I only saw this sailing ship last year when it was in St. Andrews (20 min from here) got some beautiful photos and NOW, it is at the bottom of the ocean - 2 crew missing. From Atlantic Canada to you all - Be Safe.

Sandy Livesay said...



LindaG said...

Very interesting post, Gail. Good job!

Unknown said...

Very sweet! Love the promise in the rain!

Tess Kincaid said...

I love that she's wearing his coat...

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