a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where The Heck Is Gail?

I'm sure you who sometimes spew your morning coffee with my post and become worried if I'm not here..  Sorry I didn't post because I've been playing carpenter.  The last spot in this room to repair and it will be finished today.  I have carpet chosen for its price not it's color.  I had to like it of course but I shopped in the remnants not the sample section.  Then I chose the perfect paint to go with the carpet.

I know y'all have been fooled into thinking I live in a mansion and everything is in tip top shape but it's not true.  I have lots of work to do and sadly, some work I haven't done before.
I live in an old farm house with pieces added on.  Nothing romantically beautiful but it is functional, spacious, paid in full and I love it.  It has history.

These are my preferred tools for demolition but that power saw is wonderful when you're cutting a piece for the jigsaw puzzle that I call the floor.  Last piece is cut and soon will be in place.  Floor solid and steady for years to come. Note I wear safety boots too.

Ready for my strange colors?  Are you sure?  I couldn't wait to start painting so I tried a spot last night.  The lodge has fake paneling unlike the main part of the house which has real wood on the walls.
Here it is...wet and scary. 
I thought, Oh, no!  No Trespassing pink!
When I viewed it this morning
I was very pleased.
I didn't know the color name.
I just took the carpet (50 cents a foot)
and matched. 
Funny name I chose...Jack Horner Plum
and here is the inexpensive carpet.
Not too shabby for an inexperienced non-carpenter.
I'm kinda proud of myself.
Back to painting.


Sandy Livesay said...

Hey there, the color is fabulous!!! I love it, great choice for paint and carpet sweetie.
Since temperatures have cooled down, I have some painting projects to complete in the bathroom and possibly the living room. I've watched what you've accomplised and now you've energized me!!!
Now, I have a silly question. What are you going to do after this project? So I can prepare, LOL.....

Country Gal said...

I love the colour of both it will look awesome all fresh .Our living room walls are a bit darker then the paint you chose Dusty Rosewood it was called and our carpet area is a dark rose . Great job , I cant wait to see it when it's all done ! We have paneling in our mud/laundry room and we will be painting it soon just haven't figured out the colour yet, I want something a little brighter as it is dark paneling . Have a good day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the color plum, and can't wait to see the finished room. you are beyond talented in my book

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Ahhhhhh, I love power tool and the color girl! :o)

God bless and have a most fabulously pink day!!!

TexWisGirl said...

in our former house, we put 'office' type carpet in it. never regretted it. it took a lot of beating from us and our dogs and cat. :)

the canned quilter said...

Love the plum !

Golden Eagle said...

That's a nice color!

John Going Gently said...

that pink is a cracking colour!

Lynne said...

The pink looks bright and happy and certainly goes with the carpet. Did anyone ever tell you . . . "YOU ROCK!"

Lynne said...

The pink looks bright and happy and certainly goes with the carpet. Did anyone ever tell you . . . "YOU ROCK!"

Dreaming said...

I almost had a heart attack when I saw that you were painting the wood... but then I read your comment that it isn't the 'real' wood that's in the rest of the house. Phew!
It is so funny how wet paint changes color as it dries. I do like the plum... and you, like me, love finding the bargain and then working around it.

Farm Girl said...

I am totally impressed you can do all of that. It looks great. It is paid for so what is better than that? I think that makes a house that much better. Have fun.

LindaG said...

You have every reason to be proud. It's going to look great, Gail.
You are awesome.
Congratulations! :o)

Far Side of Fifty said...

looking good..LOL at those safety boots..be careful not to saw anything important off:)

jean said...

The color looks like a delicious plum. Your post can be quite amusing in such a nice way. Thanks for the smiles.

LilliStJohn said...

Been kinda busy cutting down big limbs close to house and couple OLDE trees. Cutting, loading up truck, taking to safe burn and back. OOH my back. ha,ha Just finished another load but stopped by to say what a lovely colour when dried and great carpet to boot. You're a lot like me Gail - we could build a house together - lots of fun n challenges, eh - My Daddy taught me well :)

Pat said...

I am truly impressed at all your hard work. But when I saw that first photo of the hot bubble gum pink paint, I thought - well, you really don't want to know what I thought! Ha ha! So glad the color toned down when it dried. It will match the carpet perfectly and look very nice! :)

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