a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday Centus 141 Spinning...

 This week's Saturday Centus with Jenny Matlock is a picture prompt, first person, one hundred words exactly.

Have fun.  Enter.  Read others.

If I were in charge of this new year
I’d hold the world in my hand
Spinning and creating
As if I were God’s Vice President
In charge of changes

I’d place rain where needed
I’d slow the rain when there’s too much
I’d make the wild plants grow for wild things
And tame plants grow for the civilized

I’d grow all children perfectly
Complete when they’re born
Instruction book included
With diagrams for the parents

I’d throw all bad things
Hoping we’d learn this year
To love, to share, to live



21 Wits said...

What a wonderful world, we must aim for, and nothing less for our children. I just noticed, more pain in Aurora, Co this time, what we sure need fast is love sweet love for all.... I pray/hope/believe we can all do it! We just have to.

Viki said...

From your words to everyone's eyes. I know it can change for the good.

Dawn said...

Great words.

Susan Anderson said...

Your poem to God's ears. I hope.


Lynne said...

Elected . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe we should put you in our congress, this is wonderful

Country Gal said...

Now that's the kind of world we can work towards and aim for ! Awesome writing ! Have a good day !

Josie Two Shoes said...

I want to live in your world! :-)

Bookie said...

Very nice...liked the instruction book for parents!!!

Bethe77 said...

From your mouth to the ears of God!
Well done.....
Happy New Year

LindaG said...

Awesome post, Gail. ♥

LilliStJohn said...

We need new peope to run our world, everything, everywhere is spinning out of control. We need to take the greedy and set them aside and let them live like most common folk. They probably wouldn't last a day or two, pinching pennies to feed their children. How do we continue to live in a world that neglects children and the elderly the most. I vote you for you "As if you were God's Vice President" and this world would definately spin right back into shape. I like your world.

Kim Lehnhoff said...

Our children will be in charge one day - let's hope they are kind and wise like this boy.

Well done!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Spinning wonderful dreams, Gail!...:)JP

LLM Calling said...

I like your spinning a lot

Carrie said...

Now that is some purposeful spinning :)

visiting from Saturday Centus

Eden House News and views said...

I am so far reading amazing thought provoking postsn

Kris said...

Beautiful thoughts and goals, it was almost like hearing a lovely song you can't get out of your head...very well done !!! :)

noexcuses said...

Amazing spin! You'd get my vote!

Jenny said...

God’s Vice President!

This entire piece is one of my favorites. Ever.

The spinning, spinning theme.

This was really incredible.

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