a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Centus 143, Six Word Saturday, Tall Tales,

Jenny Matlock with her challenge, any style of writing but must be 100 words exactly!  I did it!!!  Also providing another link to the man who grows plants and animals in North Wales.  Hope you enjoy the tall tale, John.

Time for the Trelawnyd Annual Garden show. John standing with Chris couldn't contain his excitement.  He’d won the Best Flavored Tomato title the past five years.

All the villagers’ tomatoes rested on the correct bench for entry. The judges sliced a tomato from each entry because they were judged not only for beauty but also flavor.

John waiting anxiously with Chris waiting to hear the judges’ opinion. Chris said, “John, you have won every year. Don’t worry so.”

Purple ribbon…John!

When asked his secret of growing delectable tomatoes, he just smiled.

No one would ever know his tomatoes were carnivorous.
For Six Word Saturday at Show Your Face....Doing six words for a picture, not my life.

Refuse round rusting remnant resting ruefully.


Country Gal said...

Well done ! Nothing ,like fresh garden tomatoes . Have a good day !

Lynne said...

I am smiling too . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha, now i may never eat another tomato

Bookie said...

Wow, a punch ending. I expected something but not such an original idea!!! Good job.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Oh my! I guess if he doesn't win one year, the tomatoes will turn on the judges.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Loved it, a nice little story of successful gardening with a twist! I do hope he's not planting bodies beneath the tomatoes!!! :-)

TexWisGirl said...

you always dip to the dark side. ;)

Susan Anderson said...

Oh my goodness. Sucker punched me with that one...


Dana said...

Wonderful six words! Love the alliteration. :)

Linda said...

You have a lot of things in the works today! (:>)

Happy Saturday!


Michaele said...

You are just a little twisted aren't you. I mean that in a good way of course. Always a surprise :)

21 Wits said...

Oh no, now I'll have to ask all my tomatoes for birth certificates, before I eat them! Hahaha! So funny!

LindaG said...

Haha. Good one, Gail! ♥

Jim said...

Nice six word description of the old wheel, gail. The tomato story was corny. Guess it is harder to write one that is tomatory.

Google: What is a carnivore?
"Carnivores generally eat herbivores, but can eat omnivores, and occasionally other carnivores. Animals that eat other animals, like carnivores and omnivores ..."

betty said...

What a cute tale you shared with us :)

may Sunday be a nice one!


Suzanne McClendon said...

That's one way to handle a judge...if they don't vote for you, eat 'em!

Cute story. :)

LilliStJohn said...

Carnivorous eating tomatoes you say - perhaps there is a movie in the making. he,he

Anonymous said...

Nice job, my friend. You are very creative.

Unknown said...

Great 6 words! Say that 10 times fast!

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