a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Letter H And Poetry Jam

No, that's not my crochet Hook in the orange/lemon bowl but it's close.  

Since today is H day at Alphabet Thursday I'm gonna call it Hiram.  Hiram is a handy little fellow.  We use Him to cross cut the skin of citrus fruit which makes them much easier to peel.   
For Poetry Jam Sweep Out The Old Year, I talking about what I want to keep and carry into the next year.

If only I could hold on to
A child's blind belief
Not to lose my imagination
Always willing to believe.

Keeping my dreams breathing
And my imagination alive
Would be the best thing to carry
Into two thousand ninety-five. 


Lynne said...

Keep on that dreaming and imagining!

Brian Miller said...

they would def bee good things to carry into the new year....being around kids often rekindles that a bit for me....

we have one of those peeler tools...

Reena said...

Being childlike in our dreams is the best!

Mary said...

Imagination and Dreams -- yes, those should be carried forward from childhood, I think. They should never be left behind.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

Loved the line "Keeping my dreams breathing."

Dawn said...

Oh my goodness! I used to use one of those peeler-thingys when I was little:))) Oh memories!

Beautiful words.

Sandy Livesay said...

Keep the dreams alive and big!

Martha said...

Hi neighbor...just hopped over from Stitchin By the Lake and I enjoyed my visit. Thanks for sharing with us.

Michaele said...

Oh - so it's a peeler? Who would have "dreamed". Love this post : )

LilliStJohn said...

Oh, gee, I use Hiram all the time. He is indeed a handy fellow. I call mine Betty, my Mom called hers the orange peeler and I like your name too. Nice poem - kids will do that and kids would rekindle our hearts to carry goodness with us always. LIKE :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

like your dreamin and your imagining.. as in living to 2095?

Unknown said...

I agree - dreams and imagination def helpful in the new year!

LindaG said...

Good post Gail. :o)

Helen said...

.. and away we go! Keep the dream, keep the faith!!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Nothing like a little dreaming to ring in the new year...

Judie said...

I agree with Dana. That is such an excellent line, Gail. I think your poem is "'fridge-worthy."

Susan Anderson said...

That peeler is very popular at our house, and so is keeping dreams alive!


Peggy said...

Wow I never even heard of one of these peelers before--and I live in Orange County. I think I will look for one! And i like your poem--keep imagination and dreams alive for sure!

Sandy said...

When I first saw the 'crochet hook'
I had to
good post

~mel said...

Love the orange peeler ~ I have about five of them. Dear Hubby carries one in his lunchbox all the time and has to watch that the guys at work don't steal it on him.

Sarav said...

Absolutely, keep that dreaming and imagining :-) thank you for the smile!

Dana Dampier said...

Wouldn't that be wonderful... to always be a child at heart, to remain creative... and content with life.

junebug said...

I love your Hiram. I have several Hirams and he makes life very easy. Great poem. How to harness that childlike imagination? If only I could find a way.

Mary Ann Potter said...

Nicely written and presented! I was especially struck by the last line of the poem; no dream is too big!!!

Jenny said...

I need to get my Grandlittle's a Hiram! They love citrus.

And your poem.


That was really touching.

I like your thought process.

Thanks for linking.


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