a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What's She Up To Now?

Some call it creative.  Some call it crap.  I call it getting by and making do.  Remember the old carpet roll I fell over??  Well, I have thought of a new use.  No hard feelings involved just because it tripped me.  It was innocent, this poor roll of sturdy cardboard did not intentionally wreck my ankle and my knee when I fell so loudly Hubby awoke startled in his recliner thinking, I'm sure, the house was falling in.
I had a plan.  I've been thinking and Hubby knows how dangerous that is for me and sometimes for him.
The CRAFTING table
witnesses many strange things.  This is the beginning of my solution for our over population of Andrew's musical instruments.  I have sliced the cardboard roll into random lengths, sawed a slice from one side.  The cardboard is rigid but the cut sides have some movement.  I have two bike hooks.  The cut pieces and the hooks are attached to randomly shaped wooden scraps.
The "Gig Trough", as I like to call it, is lined with felt to protect all these beauties.  The cardboard and hook holders have been painted black and mounted to the wall.  The Gig Trough holds the butts and the hook/cardboard holders keep the neck protected and solid.  I have quite the investment in musical stock and DO NOT want them falling.

One is Jake's, one's to sell, then the newest two can join the doubly protected group.  So the winners of the final places will be a Cort, two Fenders, and Alvarez. I fear the banjo will remain in the corner. 
How the corners did look.
How's things are beginning to shape up.  Have much tweaking to do but all and all the hard part's over.
Andrew's Pride and Joy.
I will not go into detail about the threats if this room ever, ever, ever looks this bad again.  Ahhh, gotta love those teenagers especially ones who play music.


Irene said...

You will have a well trained young man yet if you keep coming up with those ingenious ideas. I hope he appreciates your efforts at keeping his guitars safe. He probably thinks they're sturdier than you do. If you can't beat them, join them, so pick up a guitar and start playing. xox

Buttons Thoughts said...

You are a genius I love it what a fantastic idea and you made it, when you can get a plan in your head is one thing but to execute it and conquer you are a genius.
Please be careful out there you are kind of like a mad scientist and that never seems to end well in the movies. :) hug B

Country Gal said...

Awesome idea ! I like it great job at least now all the guitars can be kept properly so they last longer . It's all in how ya store them that helps them last longer , lots of folk don't know that . I must admit when I was a teen my room was clean didn't like mess and still don't lol
Have a good day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well this is one that is not trash, this is a super idea and it looks great and will keep them off the floor. you did great. i thought when you said you fell over a carpet roll, it was rolled up carpet, did not know you meant the center piece. recycle is your middle name...pat on the head for good girl

Primitive Stars said...

Damn your good women, what can't you do!!!!!! I am impressed.....Blessings Francine.

Lynne said...

Great idea was brewing in your mind and the best news! It worked! Getting the guitars up and above and protected will make a headway in keeping Adam's room organized! . . . . . . Maybe, you think?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Nice work, Gail...great ideas!...:)JP

TexWisGirl said...

very, very cool!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I love this clever solution....way to go Gail. It looks great. Oma Linda

LilliStJohn said...

This is what inventors do Gail - they step outside the box, look at everything, set their mind in motion and solve problems and invent STUFF. Way to go - I remember those messy photos and how Grandma took the soooo COOL approach and invented a solution. GREAT !

Josie Two Shoes said...

You are just creative and resourceful beyond words Gail, it delights me! I love to see things repurposed instead of running to the store to buy, and this looks so great, I'm betting he loves it, and those guitars will be stored safe ands sound and avoid getting accidentally bumped over. GO GAIL!!

ellen abbott said...

I gave on my kids and their rooms. I just didn't go in there. after they moved out I cleaned them thoroughly nad didn't let them back. sorry, you don't have a room here anymore. of course they would if they had really needed it.

the canned quilter said...

Yeah I have one of them teenagers too! Not only is it guitars, pianos but books!!!!!! Lots of books.

Sandy Livesay said...


I love it when you let your imagination/artistic side run free!
You always surprise us :-)
The holders you've designed are fabulous. Young master must be proud to have a fabulous looking bedroom!!!

Susan Anderson said...

What an inventive creation. Really ingenious!


Brian Miller said...

ha how very cool....great way to play macGuyver....smiles...and makes the instruments look much nicer as well....keeps them safe too...

LindaG said...

Congratulations, Gail. That looks great!
I knew you'd come up with something! :o)

24 Paws of Love said...

Ingenious!! It's good to know I'm not alone in concocting such cool ideas!!

Vickie said...

Great solution, Gail. I too raised a guitar player. Since age 12, we've had guitars, amps, cords, picks and all the other paraphenalia that goes along with it all over our house. My boy is 31 now and lives in Nashville. He's got way more equipment now, but at least it's not at my house. Do you suffer hearing loss that I think I do? :)

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