a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Summary of Sanity

or is that insanity?  Toni, my nephew, Bev's oldest son has been isolated in Alaska for two years.  We have all missed him.  Jake was worried he may be twelve before Toni ever came home again.

Toni always gives each of us that special attention, the respect that makes us all feel special.  He is the most like Dad.
We had planned on an auction but were not impressed so we ate out and took what the day dealt us.  We had rain but that did not stop our exploring.
We found a public access point on South Fork of Spring River and kayaking and fly fishing both came to mind.  Toni is a dyed-in-the-wool fisherman and takes his fishing seriously.  This place caught our attention.
Toni has farmed a little.
He has escorted Marcy on Ranger rides and to appointments and to family dinners with nephews and nieces.
I don't know what day we did our thing but the week has been a whirl wind of basketball games, appointments, and home cooking.  

We are all glad Toni is home again.  I'm fairly certain Mom and Dad are smiling.


StitchinByTheLake said...

Family is what life's really all about isn't it Gail? The love between family members, simple uncomplicated love, must be the closest thing to what we will find in Heaven. blessings, marlene

Buttons Thoughts said...

Welcome home Toni sounds like he is just what is needed around there to keep everyone smiling. B

Lynne said...

Connections, renewals, laughter . . .
Memories Are Made Of This . . .
Welcome Home Toni . . .

Primitive Stars said...

Morning Gail, so glad Toni is back home, Blessings Francine.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's great Toni is back and you've enjoyed spending time with him this week.

LilliStJohn said...

There is nothing like the wonderful feeling of coming home. No matter where you travel or work or visit in this big world of ours, the feeling of coming home is just splendid. Are you going fishing with Toni? Now that would be a great experience to write about. Ooh and WELCOME HOME TONI!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

lots of fun and family, has he come home to stay or just for a visit?

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm glad he is back and that you all enjoyed such a special time with him.

TexWisGirl said...

he looks a lot like my brother in alaska - furry and bearded.

Irene said...

It's good when seeing a family member brings joy because it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. You guys are lucky! xox

LindaG said...

Hubby and I loved Alaska when we were there, but now we agree that we couldn't do it.

Unless we had stayed there, that might have made a difference.
Oh well.

Have a great day!

carolina nana said...

Glad Toni is home,maybe he will take some of the load off you !
Hopefully he is there to stay.

G-Man said...

Great Pics!!!
Winter in the South...Ahhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Welcome home to Toni! Wish I were there. What a great life.

Sandy Livesay said...

Sounds like Toni needs to come home more often. Welcome home Toni!!!

Family love is a wonderful thing.

Pat said...

It's nice to have everybody back in the nest. Welcome home Toni!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good to have family members come home..enjoy!:)

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