a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Faces Of Rescues...

Lizzy and Ki-Anne were rescues.
Mutts are the new designer dog. 
It's difficult to get a still picture of Lizzy.
Running with the big dogs and me
Lizzy and Ki-Anne are mostly a blur
but every now and then 
you can get a still shot.

Looking for a new family member?
Check with your local shelter first.


Sandy Livesay said...


I love this post! There are so many animals that need homes and love. I would rather rescue an animal then to go out, and buy one from a pet store or breeder.
These animals have such big hearts, and all they've ever ask for is to be loved and have a warm place to live.

My two dogs are rescues, and I plan to rescue more in the near future.

Manzanita said...

Both my dog and cat are rescues. At first I didn't understand why I chose the cat. She was old, a bag of bones, hardly any fur, teeth missing and wouldn't come within 15 feet of me. She was ugly and would only eat when I waked far away from her dish. I knew she'd never be adopted so I took her for a barn cat (a nice barn without critters) But come winter, I moved to town and had to take her with. I began making her food with lots of supplements... all raw meat. She's plumping out, growing gorgeous fur and she is just plain sweet. Now she is friendly to everyone.
Yes, critters need to be rescued.
I enjoyed the pictures of your dogs and can tell they get lots of love.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amen and amen, and it is good to know I have always had designer dogs... i love the two still shots... so sweet, i tried to kiss them but did not make it through the screen

LilliStJohn said...

Well, you already know folks here are adopting southern dogs n cats - so maybe everyone that can will adopt - there are beautiful pets just waiting to go home with you. Nice photos of Lizzy n Ki-Anne - that little Lizzy sure is blur of happiness, Eh :)

Country Gal said...

As having lots of dogs in my life and being a former trainer I find mutts are the best for all kinds of reasons ! They are both so cute ! My mutt Miggs is fast a sleep in her bed as the winds have been howling and roaring since yesterday and it is bitterly cold out .Have a good day !

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, love those faces.....nothing better then rescue love........Mutts Rule!!! Francine.

Lynne said...

Great pictures Gail . . . Such cute faces!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

You are so right....
Ellie Mae and the 3 cats are all rescues. Best pets ever.

TexWisGirl said...

my current 4 are all rescues. 2 from the back road by us; 2 from a country shelter.

Anonymous said...

We have done rescue for many years, of all kinds. Don't forget about breed rescues, either! Every critter deserves a furever home!

Michaele said...

I thought of adopting a rescue dog until I saw all the paperwork and a home visit required.

I keep wondering how you got them to stand still for the shot. Bacon?

Farm Girl said...

Very nice dogs.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mutts always make the best dogs. We had some black labs and a couple mutts, and all of them were awesome. Well, the black labs were a bit destructive. They ate things. Like my records once.

thewovenspoke said...

Rescues are the best, they are very loyal, all the furry friends ai have had are rescues.

A Primitive Homestead said...

My son wanted a certain puppy in the litter. There were many who would soon need a home. OH what would their fate be? Mama dog stopped feeding and caring for her litter at 3 weeks. weeks. This puppy my son wanted and thought he could not have so stole my heart at first sight. My daughter brought this tiny pup to visit me and she never went back to the litter. My son so loved her and I to. She was much work for I bottle fed her every so many hours as the days passed she grew but my son,s days of having his very own pup were short. My son so wanted his pup to grow fast and haul his pup in his truck. He never got to see this come to pass for he was killed. His pup is a mut but a treasure to me. For she is loyal and stays by my side in my journey of grief. I come to need her more than she need me. Your furry friends are cute. cute. Blessings! Lara

Dreaming said...

Your pups are cute - I'm glad you got a picture of them sitting still! I totally understand that - I get more pictures of blurs than I get of dogs. Yes, hooray for rescues!

LindaG said...

We always get shelter animals, too. The best animals. ♥

Susan Anderson said...

The mutts I have known have been the smartest and most loving dogs of all.

Why do you think that is?


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