a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, February 4, 2013

He Was The New Guy...

A large silver back male lay on a large rock in the enclosure built to look all natural with concrete rocks and bluffs they could not climb.

The females ran back and forth in front of the "bluff" trying to get the new male's attention.  He lay with his back toward them facing the crowd with his purple and white striped sheet close to him.  The rock had warmed in the sun and napping was on the silver back's mind.

Many people gathered to watch since there had been quite a media splash about his arrival.  He lay forlorn and lost looking.  His amber eyes focused on nothing as he kept rearranging his sheet over his body.

Our eyes met and in that moment I knew he was far from home, uncertain, scared but he would not let those on either side of his enclosure see this.  He made a sound as if he were disgusted with the entire lot of us and covered his head to sleep.


laurie said...

you're not a fan of zoos?

LilliStJohn said...

Zoo's - hate em - usually dirty, animals sie off, they look sick, have open sores on their bodies - perhaps there should be a people zoo, just bad people, put in a zoo so people can look at them when they go by - wait a moment, there is such a place - its called PRISON, with the exception that they have all the comforts of home.....I enjoyed this post Gail, for it was so very well written.

Lynne said...

Remember . . . I told you I am not "swift of understanding" . . . . . but, I "got" this. As has been said . . .
"very well written."

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well told and I agree, he belongs in the jungle.

Primitive Stars said...

I agree, best left alone in the Jungle, but guess safe from poachers.....Francine.

TexWisGirl said...


T. Powell Coltrin said...

I like it.

ellen abbott said...


Josie Two Shoes said...

Tender and beautiful. We cannot help but look into the eyes of theses confined creatures and wonder how much they remember of their former lives and if they destest their confinement as much as we sometimes do our own. Excellent writing, it tore at my heart.

Susan Anderson said...

I've often wondered how we would feel in the same situation.


Anonymous said...

Well said. While I believe in education and conservation, I do not believe in exploitation.

Susan Kane said...

The Silver Back in our "Safari Park" seems to be tolerating us, altho he has been known to throw pooh at noisy crowds. He has a good harem, several offspring.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Now I feel sorry for a gorilla...

Carol Kilgore said...

I can see this proud male. Good writing :)

Sandy Livesay said...

Great post, you really had all of us visualizing it.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well constructed, Gail...visual...you showed us rather than told us!...:)JP

Dreaming said...

Zoos have always fascinated me. It is wonderful to see how many have changed by housing animals in something other than small, barred enclosures, but you are right - being on exhibit must be terrible. Also, what a sad state to know that animals are becoming extinct in the wild because of our encroachment and destruction or pollution of their habitats.

Dreaming said...

Zoos have always fascinated me. It is wonderful to see how many have changed by housing animals in something other than small, barred enclosures, but you are right - being on exhibit must be terrible. Also, what a sad state to know that animals are becoming extinct in the wild because of our encroachment and destruction or pollution of their habitats.

LindaG said...

Very interesting, Gail.

Country Gal said...

Wonderfully written ! I do not like Zoo's I would prefer to see nature where it is intended to be free in the wild not locked up in a cage ! Have a good day !

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