a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Old Lady

I have become the Old lady
Who shuffles in her house shoes
From chair
To bathroom
To kitchen
Only to repeat it again

Conversation has left me
Desiring to dream
Daring to live
Those are gone too
Out with the microwave packages
That pile up when I eat

So I walk my long triangle
And people stay away
Because not knowing what to say
Scares people
It's easier to bring a drink you like
And leave quickly.

I have become the Old Lady
Who shuffles in her house shoes
With no dreams,
No ambition,
Not even wondering
What happens when the microwave dies.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love this I seem to have been stricken with this same ailment, what could it be:) Take care if you are like me it is only dust:) Hug B

Anonymous said...


Arkansas Patti said...

Love it and I keep getting closer each year. Love that saying about the clean house. Need that for my front door.

Primitive Stars said...

Ditto, loved it to, Francine.

Lynne said...

I think we ALL loved this post! I love your new header too!

Country Gal said...

It will be there tomorrow but tomorrow never comes so who cares live life and enjoy there's more to life then house cleaning . I was always cleaning house years ago I tidy as I do things so no fear and now once a week it gets a lick and a promise lol ! Nice writing . I think the poster says it all ! Have a good day !

Katidids said...

The new header is great! This post cracked me up....good to know we all have these days

Jane said...

I hear you - I feel like this January through to mid-March :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

replace houseshoes with barefoot and you got ME to a T...

TexWisGirl said...

great job.

like the header and footer, too.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

love the verse, but surely not......every day. I'm all in somedays too. Oma Linda

21 Wits said...

Sweet words of wisdom- you've made me throw away my broom pull the life line to my microwave and head outside! Ha! ha!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I like a clean house..I find time to clean it and my husband is a doll helping out. I clean something almost everyday that way I don't get behind. I suppose it is an illness..OCD maybe:)

Pat said...

Sounds like a case of cabin fever. You need to shuffle those shoes outside, girlfriend! :)

Loved the poem!

Farm Girl said...

Ouch!!! I think you wrote that about me this morning. :)

C-ingspots said...

Oh dear, this is just too depressing!! Dear woman, you need a good friend to kick your behind and drag you out of that house for some fun and some activity!! Preferably outside in the fresh, brisk air.

Susan Kane said...

This reminds me of that last year my mother lived in her house. I don't want that to be me.

the canned quilter said...

Lovin the new look and trying to keep one step ahead of this being me : ) One foot in front of the other and keep moving EVERYDAY...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good gravy, I'd go nuts! I'm a mover nearly from the time I rise until about 5 pm!...:)JP

LilliStJohn said...

This must be yer neighbour lady, cause I just can't picture you shuffling from chair to bathroom to kitchen, unless you're sick or broke yer knee (the knee is possible with the antics we read) - kool poem though - I loved it.

Sandy Livesay said...

Sweet Gail,

I love your header page, did you create this yourself?

This is most of us lately!!! It's hard to get moving but when we do....we do :-)

Irene said...

Is this really you describing yourself? Are you in a slump? Go outside for a brisk walk with the dogs. The fresh air will do you good. xox

LindaG said...

*hugs* ♥

Nice header, Gail. :o)

Josie Two Shoes said...

This sounds too much like my routine at times! I could easily live in one room and shuffle back and forth, the only stop you left off was the potty 'cuz I drink a lot of iced tea. :-) I have no doubt that Spring will lure you out of the "Bermuda Triangle" and back into the rebirth of life! These times cycle, we know that.

Susan Anderson said...

Great new look for the blog, Gail!

And since I am reading backwards, starting with your most recent posts and finishing here, I believe things are looking up for you.

Which makes me happy.


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