a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, February 18, 2013


I pour my Dr Pepper into a glass of ice too fast.  I am too slow to sip quickly and avoid the overflow of  bubbles that splat onto the floor.  I find a paper towel laying alone as if for this very purpose and clean my mess blaming nothing but my lack of attention to detail.
I wisely decide to go for a walk.
Just me and my Fat Baby boots
The dogs joined us.
Fat Baby on a log, 
Fat Baby on a rock, 
and Fat Baby on a rail road tie.
The pair and I had a good time.
On the way back home
nestled in the woods
by the remains of an old barrel
we shared a glimpse of spring.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

woo hoo on spring and i like those boots, they look so comfy, and i am thinking the fat baby comes from them not being long and narrow to pinch feet, like the boots and all the things the boots stepped on

Buttons Thoughts said...

"Fat Baby" and "Cadillac boots" could have so much fun together. :) B

the canned quilter said...

Can those be daffodils I see? If you already have them mine can't be far off : )

LilliStJohn said...

That is a nifty pair of boots - the kind I would wear, as our feet get wider as we get older. Never heard of em, but I sure like em. They look comfy and love the colour and stitchin n design. You've got flowers coming up and we are up to our backsides in snow. Storm is gone today and sun is shining - time for dig out n plough. Have a great day Gail.

Pat said...

Now if I were with you, I'd be thinking you were talking about me! "Fat Baby" indeed!

Never heard of these before. I will have to look these up. Unless, of course, this is your pet name for your boots! :)

Love the breath of Spring! :)

Pat said...

Okay....now you educated me. I looked them up and found a pair I love! Thank you! Now I have to find a ranch to match! I already have a cowboy! ;)

Arkansas Patti said...

Cool looking boots and I like the toe room.
Really a neat shot with the dog shadow. Our daffodils are blooming here also. Spring is getting closer.

Country Gal said...

Love your boots ! Wonderful photos ! Oh you have Daffy's growing already ours are still under snow BOOHOO ! I am so done with winter now , the Robins arrived last week so I hope that means spring is to follow soon ! Thanks for taking us with you on your walk I enjoyed it ! Have a good day !

Josie Two Shoes said...

Love, love these boots... I would definitely wear them! Loved the walk they took us along on today too! What a fun post, relaxing and creative! Nothing beats a nice walk to lift one's spirits, thanks!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Gail, OH--how we love your state.. It's just AWESOME...

We did alot of hiking last week --and loved it. The weather was perfect. There were Daffodils in bloom all over the place... Seems like Spring is really coming early this year.

I wore my big ole boots when we were out hiking too.


Barbee' said...

Ah... you found Spring hiding in the woods! Wake her!

TexWisGirl said...

definitely have some fierce spring winds blowing through yesterday and today! and i mowed the back yard for the 2nd time already this year. spring beauties and small bluet starting to show up in the front yard, too. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have spring!! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Great theme for the photos. And the dog's shadow looked like a wolf.

Sandy Livesay said...


Beautiful pictures of the outside, boots and dog shadows.

Oh yay, signs of spring! I can't wait...

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Love the boots and the walking that they did. Thanks for sharing the promise of spring....I need it just now. Oma Linda

Mary Ann said...

Yee ha! Spring is springing!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Your "fat baby boots" look so comfortable..with that tiny bit of feminine touch..GREAT boots, Gail.
Nowhere to walk here. Just by the neighbors houses, cold concrete sidewalks, flowers planted only where they are allowed..nothing wild, nothing free, so I look up. They can't concrete that. Can they?
Have a great week!
Hugs and all that! :)

Anonymous said...

And all of that lovely post because you spilled your drink!

Susan Anderson said...

Those fat baby boots are cool!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

My Spring teasers were the American Goldfinches beginning to molt!...:)JP

LindaG said...

Pshaw. Hubby was rinsing the dump tank on our trailer and let the toilet overflow. ;-)

Have a wonderful evening, Gail. Sleep well!

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