a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, February 25, 2013

Walmart Super Center...

is quickly becoming a resource for everything you may need.  Eye exams, banking, dining and hair stylists are just a few of the extras at a super center.

I'm not one to make appointments.  I want a service when I want it and Walmart hair stylist fits right into that niche.  Change your oil, rotate your tires, get your new eye glasses and have your hair styled...all at the same store.

You sign your name and luck of the draw you get the next stylist who is available.  I am pretty easy to please with a hair cut.  I wanted short.  I say Twiggy,  I mention Alyssa Milano, Mia Farrow...I am with a child!  She knows none of these ancient stars.  I finally suggested the poop yogurt lady, Jamie Lee Curtis, and she finally knew because she had seen the commercial for Activia.
Having a picture in your head is far different than trying to relay it to a stylist.  Now she has a base.  I want no bangs, care free hair...she starts to work.  I quickly become a crested water bird or a full dog tick, not sure which look I had.  I said take the crest off unless you want to dye it red.  I am either her worst customer of the day or the most fun, she hasn't decided yet.

We jointly decide the crest has to go.  The stylist says but Jamie Lee has a spike, yep, had them before.  That's it.  Cut it off.  She finally pulls out the clippers and goes to town on my hair.  She also discovered the sides of my hair grow forward, I have two crowns. my hair wants to naturally part in the middle and is very thick...a stylist's nightmare. I simply said, Cut it the way it grows.  She thins the top finally enough that it spikes instead of cresting, she shaves the back and the sides and still is not sure if I will be happy.  I run my hand through my hair and said, yep, that't it.  I tipped a hundred percent so she got compensated for putting up with my strangeness.

I think next time I will ask for a Mark Harmon haircut and see what I get.

Andrew liked my new style.  Hubby says nothing.  He knows it's usually safer that way.  Lizzy liked it even after it was messed up or maybe it was the Big Mack scent left on my face.
We compared our spikes.
Lizzy gives her approval
and then hides her face.
I'm still not sure what she thinks
but like the rest of the people around here
If I keep cooking, the hair style doesn't matter.


Jo said...

Hi Gail, I love your hair! I love short hair on myself too. When I approached my 50th, I thought I should grow my hair. I visited my poor hairdresser (who has done my hair for the past 20 years) four times in a week, for her to keep trimming and changing. On the fifth visit I said, PLEASE just crop as usual and I could see the relief on her face. I have just celebrated my 60th and I didn't even THINK to grow my hair for the coming decade. A friend cuts it perfectly for me in Tanzania and my hairdresser (here in South Africa) has instructions to cut my hair one day when I'm being prepared for my final journey! I can honestly say that in the 20 years since I've worn my spiky style, I have had more compliments on my hair than any other part of my person! Men and women alike, strangers and acquaintances always admire my hair. Have a great day, my friend. (((Hugs))) Jo

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail you made me laugh. from what I see you look wonderful. Better men stay quite he is very wise. Jamie Lee Curtis yup that is what I wanted too.:( hug B

Primitive Stars said...

Morning Gail, you make me smile all the time, Love your hair, cute.....as is Lizzies, Blessings Francine.

Country Gal said...

You are a funny lady thanks for the giggle ! looks good ! I haven't been to a hairdresser for 4 years I cut my own hair it is past my shoulder and straight ! For me short hair is a no no ! My friend Danielle has a cut just like you do actually you to could be twins you both look so much a like and have the same humor and character ! Yes I think a lot of people like the all in one super stores . Thanks for sharing your time in Wally's . Have a great day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i laughed until i had tears in my eyes, this is just like you wrote ti about me. my hair is exactly how you described yours. thick, straight, 2 cowlicks and the left side grows towards my face and the right grows towards the back. i had such horrible times with hairdressers, in 1986 i came home and cried. bob said forget them, i will cut your hair and he cuts it every three weeks in the back yard. he cuts it with the way it grows and i can't figure if a mechanic can cut my hair why can't a trained hairdresser... loved your story

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to comment on the super center. i shop only WM for that very reason. we buy pool supplies along with toothpaste and food, one stop shopping is my thing

Sandy Livesay said...


I like your hair cut, can't see much of it in this picture. Of course Lizzy loves your cut, and the smell of that Big Mack!!!

ellen abbott said...

walmart is my store of last resort but it is time for a haircut for me too. been trying to remember to call for weeks.

the canned quilter said...

Just face it we are all like Lizzy and just love you for you no matter how you cut your hair. As for Walmart I just stay out of there because they seem to eat my money in record time.

Farm Girl said...

Well I imagine it looks great, I had to laugh about the crest. I think I would have gone with a little red. :)
Oh, hair, I just started whacking mine off with my scissors. then when it gets to long I let my husband.
I had my hair lady for 25 years and just don't have the heart to find another one.
Your hair is pretty though. I have the same problem, I have so much hair. I just keep it in a ponytail.
I love your story. We don't have a beauty shop in ours yet. :)

Dreaming said...

Now, that is just what I was thinking of the next time I take a minute to get my hair done. I haven't had a cut since before Christmas.
Thanks for the wonderful morning laugh!
I had a few terrible cuts when I was teaching. Students are brutally honest and would often tell me what they thought of my hair. I would just smile, and remind them that they had to look at it, and I did not!

TexWisGirl said...

the poop yogurt lady. ha ha ha.

i like short. really short. i also like gray. so you get my thumbs up!

Far Side of Fifty said...

We live so far in the boonies that there is never a waiting list at Walmart..the gals can cut your hair right away. Two is the most I have ever seen in there..and most of the time they sit in their own chairs reading.
Short is good..easy to fix and fast to dry! :)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

your do looks great as does Lizzie. Big Mac is a good scent....taste.
I hate to get my hair cut. No one understands what's in my head and I have found it near impossible to explain. I finally told my daughter, I should shave my head and buy a Paula Deen wig. Then I'd be happy when I had to go out and comfortable here at home.
I love your explanation of the screamer Ms. Curtis.....
Oma Linda

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I try to go to the same person because only she knows how I want it cut. Maybe you should take a picture of Jamie Lee Curtis with you next time, just in case.

Susan Kane said...

I am faithful to my stylist. She runs her own salon, works too many hours a day. She knows my swirls and such, so I always go to her.

Empty Nester said...

I'm often envious of those who can wear their hair short. I can't. First, my hair is too wavy so it needs the weight of length to look decent and second, when it's short my head looks like a little pea sitting on top of my huge body. NOT a pretty sight. LOL

LindaG said...

I keep saying I'm going to cut my hair, but then I never do.
I don't like the way it looks short. :-\
I'm sure your hair looks fine.
*hugs* ♥

Josie Two Shoes said...

I just loved your pic, would like to see the rest of it! :-) I envy the ease of short hair, and it looks so darn cute, but every time I've cut mine I've regretted it, so now I'm a long, n' let it run wild hair girl. I won't let anyone professional trim it, they always go scissor happy on me. I cut the bangs, and let Papa Bear level off the bottom now and then, and that's it. Happiness is finding the hairstyle that is you... and yours suits you perfectly!

carolina nana said...

Carefree and easy that's my kind of style !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I reposted the photos.

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