a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, February 23, 2013


The ice was not a big surprise but a few trees went down, a few limbs lost but the power held.  That is always good.  School started two hours later and buses did not travel the gravel roads.
Hubby and I ran errands.  He drove or should I say flew?  These were the best shots I could get traveling at almost the speed of light.
The ice made the plain brown trees look like they belonged in a magical kingdom where unicorns and fairies were the norm.

It was a flying trip, no leisure stops to see what we could see.  We did stop for lunch.  Visited the discount bakery and found some fattening bargains.  We found cheaper diesel for the tractor.  We found cheaper feed for the cattle.  We found two new holsters for our conceals.  We declared it a successful day.

Flew home again.

The ice was beginning to fall from the trees.  The rest will leave today.

Happy weekend to every one.


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

We very seldom get ice storms. I've only experienced one really bad one in Amarillo when I was pregnant with Shelley so that has been a very long time. So glad you still had power as so many according to the news did not. I hope you have a great weekend filled with whatever makes ya happy. Oma Linda

carolina nana said...

Ice storms always create winter wonderlands but also can create nightmares. Glad you kept your power and had no damage to buildings.

TexWisGirl said...

so glad you kept power! pretty scenes, for sure!

Barbee' said...

Beautiful! Another winter wonderland.

Empty Nester said...

The pictures are beautiful! I am still wishing for a winter wonderland but we've had none so far.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Gail, your photographs are lovely. Ice on trees gives them a surreal and magical appearance. Thank you for sharing!!

Mary Montague Sikes

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and surreal. You have a great eye for pictures, as well as a great spirit for writing. Thanks for sharing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree the trees are like a fairy wonderland... and it HAS to be a male thing. when bob is in the car, we stop for nothing but NEEDs. point A to point B in record breaking time.

21 Wits said...

These photos are lovely, but for me I'm a bit ready for spring. Far too much of this for winter (especially after last year being so gentle) I am ready to mow! Ha! Ha!

LilliStJohn said...

We have quite the ice storms here most winters Gail, and these shots are quite wonderful at extreme speeds hub travelled. That is why we do not have too many trees close to the house - I do see some bent from the weight. We did have a big ole tree in front, but had it chopped down a few years ago, as it was declared a danger by the town. It just happened to be on town property, so they came and sawed,chopped it up and carried it all away, no expense to us.Imagine, if only trees could talk - the history we would learn, Eh.

Susan Kane said...

Ice trees do dress up a barren forest. Lovely!

Michaele said...

Sounds like your driver was on a mission : ) It is nice to be driven though.

Irene said...

For having been driven at the speed of light, you did take some very good photos. They very clearly show the burden of ice the trees carry, and, although it's pretty, I know it can be destructive too. How did the wildlife do under these circumstances? Did a lot of the birds suffer?

Deb said...

brrr...looks cold...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Watching the Weather out your way, I wondered if the beauty would outweigh the damage...it did!...:)JP

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

But in the meantime, it is a winter wonderland!

Sandy Livesay said...


Beautiful pictures of the ice on the trees, it's very magical.

Your fast flight into town sounds like it was very productive. I'm going to have to start calling you, "The Flash" from the Justice League.

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos ! We call that horror frost when it looks like that ! Glad all was successful ! Have a good evening !

Farm Girl said...

I have never seen ice on trees like that. It looks so pretty. I would say that was a very successful trip.

Lynne said...

Pretty fly by scenes . . .

LindaG said...

Wonderful photos, Gail. :o)

Josie Two Shoes said...

So very beautiful, I love ice-covered trees, and the crackling sounds as it thaws and shatters. Sorry that your driver was on the fly, but I think you did a great job working at the speed of light! Show us your new conceal holsters, what kind did you choose?

Carol Henrichs said...

Gail, I think we lucked out with our winter weather. It certainly was a beautiful event. Loved your pictures. I don't know about you, but I will take moisture in any form. We have been so dry for so long. Think Spring!

Rudee said...

I love the beauty of a landscape, yours included, as it groans under the weight of the ice. It's the damage I don't particularly like. I hope your spring plants weather this storm.

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