a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Chair Died...

or was it murder?  Death by butt.  Wouldn't be the first time something died over too much tail.  I mourn it's passing. It was ailing and I tried so hard to save it.  Gorilla Glue just didn't work it's magic this time.  I don't believe even duct tape would have fixed it.  It was time to go.
Born in the fifties it joined my family about fifteen years ago for the grand price of $3.  It served us well, moving from room to room, rising to fill the need for an extra chair now and then. 

It had recently been promoted to a role as my personal chair since my other had developed a slight squeak just behind my head.  It collapsed around midnight last night when I stopped to sit a moment. 

It was pronounced DOA after examination.  There will be a funeral pyre next week to honor its life and to allow those who loved it a chance to say goodbye.  The cushions will be re-purposed so its life/death will not be in vain.  

Fare well, my three dollar chair.  I shall miss you.
Moving in to carry on will be Three Dollar New Chair accompanied by recovered ottoman and home created pillow.  I wish you well New Chair.  You have a big load to carry.


Irene said...

It's always sad to see a favorite chair go. You get so attached to them. Your new chair looks nice, though. I like the print on the cushions. I think you will both be very happy together. xox

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am so sorry for your loss Gail. You made me laugh this morning:) B

Deb said...

Rest in peace... You did your duty...

Manzanita said...

Death by butt.... I've seen a lot of these. Ha.... I suppose a master carpenter could save Chair but it would far surpass the 3 dollars. Sometimes, it just "time" to die.

Primitive Stars said...

Oh No!!!!! not death by butt:), so sad to see a good old chair die, Francine.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry about your chair. That you found another three dollar replacement amazes me.

Arkansas Patti said...

That is funny. I want that on my tombstone.
She died from too much tail.

Lynne said...

Great post . . . Humor in death . . . Sorry for your loss! I wonder if Hallmark has a Sympathy card for "chair loss!"

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am from the 40's so am older than this chair and at times almost in the same shape. thanks for my first laugh of the day... i have not had a 3 dollar chair, thinks are higher here in FL, but i did have a 7.00 chair that i loved for many years. it got recycled to my sons apartment, as did any furniture we ever let go... hope the new one is as good as the old one. 50 years from now the chairs made now will be in a dump somewhere.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I can relate...farewell to your old chair. I hope this new one serves you well. :)

Rudee said...

Amortized over 15 years, that chair cost you 2 cents a year. And that's my 2 cents.

21 Wits said...

Oh dear, death by butt can be a double hurt! But all is good, it served you well, ha ha and you send it away with such a lovely tribute!

TexWisGirl said...

death by butt. ha ha. :)

Country Gal said...

Always the favorite to go . It lasted a long time though ! Thanks for the giggle though in the way you described it's demise lol Have a good day !

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

you're a corker you are.....death by butt. Happy new chair and sorry for the loss of an old favorite.

Sandy Livesay said...

To funny!

I read your story this morning and couldn't stop laughing.

Love the new chair and recycled cushions.

Susan Kane said...

All good chairs come and go, but their memories linger on, even if in an ottoman and pillow.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Now you have me worried about my chair!
You are so funny, Gail! You have it going on, really!

mary.anne.gruen@gmail.com said...

Condolences on the passing of your chair! We have a lot of garage sale furnishings. Whenever the time comes for parting, I say, "Well, we got our money's worth!"

LilliStJohn said...

Ode to the chair - how neat! Ouch - that musta hurt - dud ya hurt your hiney when ya went down. I did have a good giggle - thanks a bunch. BOL to the new chair and all the responsibility it now has to carry :)

LindaG said...

You certainly got your money's worth out of it.
*hugs* ♥

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