a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cold Frame/Worm Bed Progress

Trimmed and weed free...notice that the top is deeper than the bottom.  That is because it was dug completely under ground with the lay of the land then rocked.
These are all around the edging where the old wooden frame has rotted.  I do believe I can reuse these with some miracle worker like WD-40 and frame for doors...if I want.  Don't know yet. Playing it by ear.

Sweet Hubby brings me a scoop full of white sand to mix with the compacted soil in the bottom.  Then for the next layer of farm gold...horse, cow and chicken poop all mixed nicely.  Add some green compost, stir again and add water.  Will check on the "heat" (composting items will raise the temperature) of the mix if not too hot should be able to add worms shortly.

With doors it can double as a cold frame.  Without it can be a composted wormy heaven.
Beginning the dampening and mixing process....
forgetting and leaving the water on!!!!!
Since this is beach front property
tiny neighbors are already moving in.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You are sure industrious in this heat...I did well to just water my yard and garden yesterday! LOL!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm surprised your dogs weren't in the middle of that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this will for sure be a wormy heaven and that is a really pretty neighbor moved in on the waterfront, although i do not LIKE that kind of neighbors, he is pretty... looks like you have this Under Control...

TexWisGirl said...

oops on the leaving the water running. :)

Irene said...

You are a woman of much energy and many projects. It's a good thing that you live on a farm that does not allow for idle people. At the rate you are going, you'll have it turned into a showcase in no time at all, but I know it is a never ending battle and that there is always more work to be done. It seems you go looking for it too though. xox

Marty said...

I'm a pretty faithful composter, with my little collection box under the sink, which is then transported out to the bin in back. But I envy you your farm gold - that's how the magic happens!

Country Gal said...

Hope it all works well for you , looks like a great place for worms to have a pardo lol ! It is hot and humid here and I can only manage to take Miggs for an early morning walk and water my gardens in the evening as the sun sets ! I don't mind hot but it is the humidity that gets to me ! They say with the humidity feels like 108 FEW ! Thanks for sharing and have a good day !

Farm Girl said...

That is very nice. I really like that area and I think it will be really awesome, now you can have worms to go fishing.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I'm sure you are going to get good results with that!
Lynne x

Michaele said...

Oh I WANT one too! Can't wait to see more. Don't worry - that water will evaporate quickly as hot as it is there.

Sandee said...

This is the first one I've ever seen. Way cool and I'm sure we'll see more as time passes.

Have a fabulous day. :)

Susan Anderson said...

Gotta love that beach front property!


Sandy Livesay said...


All prepped for the worm farm or cold storage, I'm so excited....can't wait to see your final results.

Lynne said...

Industrious you are . . . helping to make that good stuff . . .

LindaG said...

Wow, Gail. That looks great! Nice of hubby to help. How much fish bait did he charge? ;-)

I'm sure the worms will love it!

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