a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Help...Can't Sleep

Sleep the best when you face West
Sleep the least when you face East.

Line your inner magnets up with the Earth's magnetic fields
And your sleep will be restful and rejuvenating.

What the heck is the right answer?  No mirrors in the bedroom, no doorway slicing your bed, oh the things we have to watch for and dread.

I have been dreaming entirely too much lately and wake up with a sense of panic sliding off the edge of my memory. I hold pieces of my busy night  for such a short time I can't put them together.

Anybody know the secret direction of blissful sleep???
A Black Walnut half shell from seasons past.


Kristine said...

I'm not sure it's East or West.. might be either North of South. Here's a link:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I didn't know there was a direction. I just need it really cold.
Sorry you've not been sleeping well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the walnut looks like a little alien man
i sleep with feet to the North and head to the south, i start out facing East, flip to facing North, then back to East for my best sleep. but sometimes i sleep good on my back, so which way is that?
i truly don't think it matters which way I face. it depend on which part of my body aches that night....

TexWisGirl said...

i hate restlessness. i can usually fall asleep, but sometimes i wake multiple times and toss and turn. stress will find its way out - whether we let it during the day or night...

ellen abbott said...

sometimes I can sleep on the couch better than in the bed.

Farm Girl said...

When I first saw that picture I thought it was a owl face.
Nope, no idea about how to sleep better. I go into a coma until my husband wakes me up in the morning.
The only time I can't sleep is when I am worried. Are you worried?

DFW said...

I'm right there with you. I toss & turn & get up at least once a night. I work FT so no napping either ... one of my most favorites things to do which has fallen by the wayside over the past few years.

That walnut looks like a pigs snout to me.

Mary Ann said...

Oh my gosh, I thought that was an OWL mask! I don't think middle-aged women sleep very well, ever!

Sandee said...

Sorry you're not sleeping well. I don't have that problem. I used too, but since I've retired I sleep like a baby not matter which way I'm facing.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Sketching with Dogs said...

A big glass of wine!
Lynne x

Anonymous said...

What is this "sleep" of which you speak?

Brian Miller said...

usually its prone for me...though i have tried it standing...but all the blood rushes the wrong direction...a needle in cork in a bowl of water you can make a compass...smiles.

LindaG said...

I thought it was supposed to be a pig nose. ;-)
Not sure about the sleep part. Sometimes we're up till 2 AM, sometimes to bed at 10 PM. Usually though we have to be up late to sleep somewhat well.

Good piece, Gail. :-)

Arkansas Patti said...

Hum, that explains everything. I have been facing east.
The only sure fire method for me is to go to bed physically tired. That doesn't happen that often plus there is that east thing.

Lynne said...

"A good nights sleep" has not been a visitor for me of late. I will try facing West tonight.

("Arthur itus" seems to want to visit me at night of late . . .)

Pat said...

I thought it was an owl face, too!

I don't think any woman our age sleeps well. Just saying.

I don't think it matters what direction I'm lying in. My next step is asking my husband to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer and knock the bejesus out of me so I can sleep! ;)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmm, head faces South, feet North, facing East is a solid deep sleep, facing West for some reason feels comfy, but never lasts long. Try a simple trick like focusing...one simple thing, over and over...:)JP

Irene said...

I sleep with my head in the east and my feet in the west. Do you think I've got it all wrong? I seldom get a good night's sleep. It's a surprise when I sleep through the night. I think I'm going in the right direction though along with the turning of the earth on its axis. Maybe I have the wrong Feng Shui in my room.

Dreaming said...

I never heard any of those things about sleep - wow! I'm out of touch!
I must say that I hate it when I don't sleep well. I've finally learned to get up and do something... then try again.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I don't know about directions, but I have sure been having the nightmares lately- totally weird ones too.

Jenny said...

I love the black walnut 'owl'. I'm going to try changing directions when I sleep. Right now I'm facing south. Perhaps that's the problem!

DesertHen said...

I see an owl in that little walnut half.

I have my ups and downs with sleeping. I always blame it on the moon!

Schattenmann Jeanette said...

The walnut, if you have imagination, looks like a pig's snout!!

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