a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Keeping Cool...Pat, Look Out!!!

The intense heat wave and dryness that has gripped many states shows very little relief in site.

Several animals have found ways to deal with the heat.  Check this out…one smart cool snake at Calamity Acres Hobby Farm.

Our snakes seem to have retreated but dogs are cooling parts any way they can.
Stay cool.

My little contribution to Mr Knowitall: Friday Flash....fifty-five words exactly.


D. Jean Quarles said...

Poor thing. At least he's mostly white. My little black dogs are miserable.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Poor pups!

Brian Miller said...

ha. any way you can...

we are about swimming here, because of all the rain...and hard rain...

maybe if we could meet in the middle...smiles.

Lynne said...

Gotta do what ya gotta do . . . to keep it cool . . .

the canned quilter said...

Gail I notice where they are saying our area should cool off a little (high 80's) for the next week or so. But I still don't see much rain in that forecast. My dogs laze around in the shade of the porch all day on those hot days. That and waiting for any treats that may come out the door : )

ellen abbott said...

hot and dry here too though we did have rain for two days earlier this week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i thought the same as jean, white or light dogs find it easier to stay cool, jake is dark and cant lay in the sun, he gets to hot. headed over to see the snake.

TexWisGirl said...

yup, summer is upon us.

Sandee said...

We wet our Little Bit down and when she dries off we wet her down again. It's terrible for our babies. :)

izzy said...

Yup any way, anywhere, any how!
I keep refreshing the duck water- the babies just stand in it. The adults spatter it everywhere!

Willow said...

Yup our mutts got spoiled in this heat wave since we have allowed them into our one air conditioned room they steal the couch ...they still like laying in the sun though.

Sandy Livesay said...


I wonder if we adults could lay out like the puppy and cool off?

I've been thinking about a little kiddie pool and a large glass of ice tea. Can you see it now, a fat lady in the pool with a glass of ice tea and the dogs sitting next to me, lol

Sketching with Dogs said...

Looks like you built that play area just in time - do the dogs ever let the kids in there :)
That snake knows how to live!
Lynne x

Other Mary said...

Awwww, that's so very cute. But he (she?) still looks like a hot dog!

Nancy said...

Awww -- poor pup! I hope it cools down for you Gail!

Thanks so much for your visit. Was very happy you stopped by. :)

G-Man said...

Sometimes I feel like wallowin in the dirt!
Loved the pic
Loved the Canine 55
Thank you so much for playing this week, I hope you had fun!
Have a Kick Ass Week-End

Anonymous said...

And it isn't even the dog days of summer, yet.

Pat said...

I've been known to spread out naked in the mud to cool off.....hopefully there aren't any pictures around to prove that fact.

So..yes, I went ahead and clicked on the link, EVEN THOUGH YOU WARNED ME.

I guess my mother DID raise a dummy!

It wasn't too bad, since you warned me!

Farm Girl said...

I need to try and do a post with just 50 words. I can hardly do it in a comment. :) Have a great weekend.

Maude Lynn said...

I'm right there with ya! We've been over 100 the past couple of days, too.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

It is so blooming hot! I have really enjoyed the last two mornings of cool air, but within an hour or two- poof- it's outta here and the steam bath resumes. Blecchh...this is why summer is my least favorite month.

Susan Anderson said...

I always feel sorry for animals in the heat. All that fur!


LindaG said...

Our cats tend to keep to the shade as much as possible.
Stay cool, Gail!

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