a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Last Night...

The skies opened and cried rain to celebrate the performance of Andrew Williams at the Music in the Mountains Theater in Horseshoe Bend with Highway 289 Band  There was gospel, country, blues, rock and roll, contemporary, oldies and magic.

There were many special performers including Phillip Sweet's mom from Little Big Town  (We know now where Phillip got his voice!)

Melodie Clemmons told the story of first meeting Andrew.  When asked what key he played, Melodie said Andrew didn't know. When they heard him for the first time she said we didn't care...we would keep up.  He shocked and rocked Horseshoe Bend with AC/DC on his first appearance.

This night Andrew played the entire night with the band.  MS Sweet said she was talking to her friends in Nashville.  Melodie said, Guys, remember he started right here in Horseshoe Bend.

Last year he performed with the Grays and others.
Andrew played a Stevie Ray Vaughn tune toward the end.  When he tossed his hat on the floor and played a screaming blues run behind his back the crowd went wild.  Andrew did not hear a thing.  He was feeling the music.

Many people came to compliment him and were surprised he has no formal training in music.  I overheard one man say, "Son, you have a gift.  Don't waste it.  Get some formal training and go places"

Good job, Andrew!!!!
Music here:  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3bJXJQMkrT0Wk1HcVNTZ25iSTQ/edit?usp=sharing


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is fantastic, would love to hear him play. he is a handsome cowboy for sure... i love little big town..

Sandy Livesay said...


Yay, I'm glad you went!!!

Andrew looks like he's enjoying himself. I think you have a musician who will go places with his guitar.

Can you imagine him playing on stage and entertaining this country?

TexWisGirl said...

this made my hair stand on end. SOOOO thrilled for him. i know you must be so incredibly proud. what a gift!!!

Farm Girl said...

That is just awesome. I bet you are so proud. I bet that was a fun evening for you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

AC/DC? Way to go, Andrew!! That is cool.

Empty Nester said...

Video! I want video! :)

Sandee said...

I hope Andrew listens to that man. He will go places.

Have a terrific day. :)

Josie Two Shoes said...

This is one of those feel good blog posts that just makes me smile big as Texas! I am so happy for Andrew and can bet that his Grandma was the proudest member of the audience! I hope we can convince him to play for us when we visit! A love of music and a gift for playing can be a ticket to an amazing life up ahead!

Country Gal said...

Most of my family members play by ear ! My dad may he RIP played the piano , organ and accordion by ear he also made a recording of his music and before he passed with cancer sold some copies and gave the money from them to the cancer foundation oh and he played the organ a few times at the NHL hockey games here in Toronto and all that is from playing by ear ! My nephew has his own band he is now 26 and plays 5 different instruments and that's done by ear as well ! Good for you Andrew way to go WOOHOO ! keep on keeping on how ever you can to play your sweet sounds ! Great photos and post ! Oh and guess what ? even some famous musicians cant or don't read music and play by ear . You go guy ! Thanks for sharing. Have a good day !

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh it is so true you should never waste a gift like that. Sounds like you all had a great time. Way to go Andrew. You will go far and my brother plays by ear and it truly a sopecial gift. B

LindaG said...

Sounds like he will go places even without training.
So happy for you all. Have a wonderful evening and a blessed week! ♥

Lynne said...

Gives me goose bumps! I'd love to hear him play! I too hope he listens to that man . . . he could go places with his talent!

Sketching with Dogs said...

You must be so proud! Andrew looks every inch the star of the show. He obviously has a natural talent for music.
Lynne x

T. Powell Coltrin said...

A proud moment!!! He looks like he's in his element for sure. a star in the making.

Nancy said...

Sounds like an awesome young man -- and a great evening of entertainment. :)

Anonymous said...

Bill has been a guitarist for 50 years. He can literally play anything, by sight or ear. I totally respect true musicians. Yes, they are in their own world when they play. I love it. Great post!

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

Music translate on such a visceral level--lovely post!

Susan Kane said...

Andrew has been blessed with talent! Would love to see a video!

Susan Anderson said...

The ones who are as gifted as your grandson clearly is rarely let the gift go to waste. He reminds me of my nephew who now makes his living as a musician. He had to. That's his passion.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Way to go Andrew!! He is gonna be famous some day:)

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