a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, July 8, 2013

Poor Pitiful Pooch...

Drenched in Eau de Armadillo, quite an aged fragrance, it became necessary to fill the DREADED bath.

It is a natural thing for a dog to find the most hideous smell and repeatedly roll in it. Beginning with the tip of their nose and sliding down what ever humanly offensive putrid piece of deceased animal they are lucky enough to discover. They will delightfully roll and wiggle on their back in this same aromatic pile of...stuff.

They're not crazy.  This is natural for them.  They are preparing for the hunt and in a funny perverse way we do the same when we groom to go out.  Rolling in this perfume allows them to sneak up on their target without the smell giving them away.  How many victims in the animal kingdom would shy away from the smell of a rotted carcass??  Pretty smart in my book.

Poor Lizzy repeatedly did this while we were gone.  This earned her a place of honor in the outside pack.  She joined the nightly raids chasing the scary critters out of the valley, joined searches with the strange smell patrol and had even joined in with the snake patrol squad. All the time she blended right in with her wonderful scent.

Then we came home.
Hubby did the dirty work
'cause he knew Lizzy would be mad at the bather
Poor Lizzy!  After the bath she ignored Hubby 
even as he offered her boneless fried chicken.
She will never come to his call again!!
She loved me til she was dry and then went back outside.
I suspect she has reapplied her designer cologne.
At least she smelled sweet for a while.


LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha I can only imagine Lizzy going through this. We have a big ole tub, Eh, that Jack gets bathed in and when I mention the word bath, even in a whispered breath, she hears it and hides. The funny part of hiding is she goes under the kitchen table with her a-end stuck out. I try not to laugh as I "hunt" for her. Once she is in the bath, she for some wierd reason, likes to lick the soap. I always have to move it out of the way. I love these photos Gail. Lizzy is a treasure for sure. Hi to everyone n take care :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh poor Lizzie- you took away her camo-smell! But doesn't she look pretty in the end!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lizzie you are truly beautiful and I imagine the ripe smell you liked but those around would not:) B

Marty said...

If only she could see how lovely and shiny she is now - or was during the nano-second when she was clean.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh dear Lizzy. We used to have a dog that was crazy about rolling in dead things and fox poo which stinks the whole house out.
On the plus side, you look very soft and fuzzy.
Lynne x

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

She was certainly fluffier.
Hope she doesn't find a dead skunk. That might take more than one bath.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is toooo funny, but only because it did not happen to me. i have always wondered why dogs do this, now i know... they all do it big and little... Max rolled in rotted fish and that was horrible.. Lizzie looks like a ball of fluff

Lynne said...

Lizzy looks so fluffy and pretty . . . bet it didn't take her long to get back to her "outdoor fragrance!" My daughter's dog, Paws, used the "critter fragrance" often. (Hosing down and washing a Great Dane was no easy task . . . especially in the winter!!)

Unknown said...

If she knew how good she looks or how sweet she smelled maybe she wouldnt want to re-do the outside odor! lol Happy Monday!

Empty Nester said...

Oh how I hate it when Tucker does this! When we're out together I can stop him before it's too late- because I am NOT riding back home in the car with THAT smell. LOL

Farm Girl said...

My dog does the same things and then seems so proud of herself. My son washes the dog just for what you said about the dog being mad at the washer. Now we spell bath instead of saying it.
She looked very pretty though all clean.

Pat said...

I can't imagine that horrible smell. My daughter's dogs like to roll around in raccoon shit and that's pretty awful! Lizzy looks so fluffy after her bath - like a newborn chick!

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at the little fart! she sure cleans up well - even if only for a little while. :)

Irene said...

Tyke tries to do that too sometimes when we are out for a walk, but I can never discover what it is he is rolling in because it is invisible to me. I just pull him back on his feet as quickly as possible and move away from that spot. Lizzie did look cute after her bath.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is what dogs do best..she looks so pretty clean! :)

Country Gal said...

Oh I know how that is ! Miggs has done the same thing more then once ! She comes in and PEW! stinky dog I say to her and she gives me this look as if to say YA ISN'T IT AWESOME MUM ! Um NOT ! So off to the bath she goes lol ! Dogs just have to be dogs sometimes lol ! Cute photos . No Lizzy stay away from stinky things for a bit ok ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

Sandee said...

Awww, poor Lizzy. She's had a rough bath. What a little trooper though. They do get mad about those baths though.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Lizzy. ☺

Sandy Livesay said...

Oh Lizzy, you silly little thing you! It's funny how dogs will get so mad at the person giving them the bath but that only lasts for a short time.

Lizzy looks really cute with her hair all blown out.

labbie1 said...

Oh dear--and those terriers tend to be leading the pack in "scent cover"... LOL She was so cute when she was dry though! :)

Anonymous said...

This is so cute. It is funny how they hold grudges. At our house it Mom who gets stuck with the "dirty work".

Susan Kane said...

My daughter's two dogs do the same thing! Then they roll in grass with seeds. Such a mess.

Arkansas Patti said...

Mighty does that eau de corpse also. Luckily it is usually just dead worms.
Lizzie really fluffs up nice.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Such a little beauty when all clean and dolled up, but she probably preferred smelly and dirty! I have watched white cats spend an hour bathing themselves, only to go back outside and roll in the dirt! Maybe we all should approach life with that attitude! Sophie holds grudges when it comes to nail trimming time. She is truly offended by this invasion of privacy and perpetrators are off her love-list for the night. :-)

Josie Two Shoes said...

You really should share this post on Awww...Monday... it definitely made me go Awww! :-)

Susan Anderson said...


Your hubby is nice to be the bad guy...


DesertHen said...

Either myself or our daughter is always the "bad" bather dude in our house. Daughter is a groomer in training now, so I just tell her it's good practice...lol. Her dog is famous for the "roll" as we call it and finds the most hideous stuff to roll in! Gack!

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