a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, July 5, 2013

Playing With New Tools...

Hubby knows the way to my heart...not with flowers...with tools!  After struggling and fussing with my pruning shears and my limb-loppers I am the proud owner of a new pair of each.  Man, are they awesome. They slide through what I'm trimming like a hot knife through butter.
Things are kinda behind around here.  Between Hubby's and Marcy's illness and then my little bout not much  has been done.  I'm finally feeling like I can TRY to catch up.  Those who own acreage know that is never done but we do keep trying.
This is the corner of the front yard with two of the pecan trees Mom and Dad planted when they got married.  Between them WAS a fence.  Now there are a few sections with black berries and Cannas over run with Virginia Creeper, Honey Suckle, Money Plants and varied species of wild things.

Today I began to clean this area.  Each limb clipped and plant pulled was dog inspected.  Each spot dog approved.
Some even helped pick up sticks
while others just wanted a snuggle.
The pile kept growing.  There is an opening again where there once was a path.  The black berry picking will be easier this afternoon.

I haven't even scratched the surface!


RoeH said...

That's a never ending job in the summertime, isn't it. But the dogs seems to be enjoying it. :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

Ha, and I thought I was wierd in my gift choices:)
I bet your hubby was a lot happier buying tools than crochet hooks, yarn, fabric and the stuff I like though.
You did a great job with those trees.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh My Hero picked me up the same thing at our last auction, it cuts through weeds like butter. I love tools too:) Hug B

Irene said...

I like getting tools too. I'm getting a cabinet and drawer full of handy ones here in the apartment. I love that they are there when I need them and that I am not dependent on anyone else. I am a feminist, after all, and I think you are too. You are quite the liberated woman. Women out in the countryside have always had to be. xox

LilliStJohn said...

I had a rule a while back that my tools were my tools and if you borrowed them you put them back. That's my rule - well, I'm missing my fav phillips screwdriver and the other party swears they did not touch it - h-m-m-m-m- Later found up in new room which somebody else (the other one) borrowed and left there. YIKES, what does a woman have to do to get it across - if you borrow it, put it back. I am usually smiling, but get really irritated when I go to reach for my tools and they are not there.
I love that you love to get tools Gail and I understand that. So cute that the dogs follow, inspect and just want to cuddle. Nice job :)

IanH said...

It looks a lot better! I agree with you whole heartily that work on an acreage is never done!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i to love practical gifts, lop away dear one, and yum on the path to the berries.. i love your "crew" of helpers...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Just don't get scratched yourself! Probably too late for that though.

Lynne said...

Chip away, little by little. Great to have those "hairy ones" around to watch over you!

izzy said...

Oh we are so behind the trimming of things! Yes I can identify! My hubby found me a pair of loppers
that are gear 'assisted' I can take chunks of things off with ease that I never could before : )

Judy said...

Always something more that needs to be done...

labbie1 said...

Yay for new tools! You are certainly making good use of them! Wow! Amazing job! Did you enjoy the Blackberries?

Willow said...

Oh Gail, I hear you. Here at the farm it is a never ending clip and snip ...wouldnt change it for the world though. even though it easily gets away from you if you get behind. Nice present.

the canned quilter said...

You are so right in that as long as you own acreage this kind of work is a never ending thing.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice work Gail- I've been lobbing off pine tree limbs so I can mow without ducking.

Susan Anderson said...

My husband just bought new clippers too, and a week ago I was clipping the pine tree branches and appreciating how easy it was. The old one was really getting dull!


Maude Lynn said...

Looking good!

TexWisGirl said...

you're right. there is always something (most of which i ignore around here!) :)

Mary Ann said...

Oh my gosh, don't I know that it goes on FOREVER!

Dreaming said...

Some of us have our priorities! Nice, sharp garden tools are fabulous!
Happy clipping!

Sandee said...

Whatever makes you happy in the gift department is all that matters. I'm glad you're having fun.

Have a terrific day. :)

Anonymous said...

It is definitely never ending. I am happy everyone is feeling better!

Sandy Livesay said...


Work never ends, once you get done weeding, clipping, or cutting it's time to start all over again.

I keep looking at the corner of the property and shaking my head, it was a small area to clean and now that it's been left alone for um.....several years it's a big pile of growth, under brush and weeds. Hubby promises to tackle it soon...................in other words it will be a job I will need to tackle if I keep waiting :-)

Unknown said...

Glad you feel well enough to tackle the cleaning up. You have good 'helpers' there with the doggies. Have a nice weekend.

Susan Kane said...

I understand the love affair with tools. Chop/saw/clip away!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I keep waiting thinking my DH will do some of that in our yard but it doesn't seem to be happening so I guess on Monday I'll tackle it myself. What you want to bet he comes out to tell me how it could be done better? :) blessings, marlene

Vickie said...

Now that's what I call a great husband! He knows you well! It's a pain in the rear to do all that clearing, but do it we gotta - you've got it looking good, Gail. I've got a bunch of that to do myself around here... thanks for your visit!

Marty said...

While re-assembling our fountain with hubby today (after we'd wrestled with the clogged rain barrel and carted up slates to form a foundation for another project) in 95 degree heat, I remarked to him that those folks in the nearby retirement condos were unlikely to be doing this kind of labor. But then again, don't you think it must be kids of boring just sitting around in the air conditioning?

LindaG said...

They call it Virginia Creeper, but it's more like Virginia Sunami!

New tools are always good. Looks great, Gail! :-)


So happy to catch up with you this summer and see what you are up to. I'm not so into tools but glad you got some new ones. I know they have to be sharp to cut through branches etc.
Love the photos. Always enjoy your blog. I am back alive and working over at my blog. Come by and visit.
We were ill for a few months then lost my sister who was ill for a long time - still not easy.
Hugs to you and keep up the good work over here.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Real love isn't always demonstrated by flowers, but by knowing what it is that will truly please the other, he knows you well! You put your new toys to very good use, and I'm ready for a dish of blackberry cobbler now! :-)

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