a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, July 26, 2013



TexWisGirl said...

lucky duck! yay for you!!! we had 5 drops today. *sigh* pond is low.

LindaG said...

Lovely place, Gail. What did you use to take the video, and how did you post it?

We may get rain tomorrow morning.

Have a great weekend!

DFW said...


That looks like some good 'quality rain'. As my cousins like to call it.

Love the old house. And, so happy to hear that others have 'piles' waiting to be burned. It used to drive us crazy until we started our own. However we, unlike many in our country neighborhood, actually burn ours on a regular basis. They will sometimes leave a pile for years. THAT still drives us crazy. But, it's not on our property so not up to us to dispose of it.

Farm Girl said...

I loved the video and what wonderful rain and thunder and lighting. My husband says that when there is a cloudburst like that it is because the lightening is punching holes in the clouds. It is lovely. We had lots of thunder this morning but not a lot of rain.
I loved seeing your big trees.

Sandee said...

It's nice to hear your voice. Just saying.

I love a nice storm like that. We get so little here.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not just rain, but a full out thunderstorm! Besides, in your area it never rains - it pours.

Lynne said...

Am I the only one . . . nothing there, just the word, RAIN.

Sandy Livesay said...

I sent rain your way. At 2AM this morning all heck broke loose, it rained all morning and finally stopped about 9:30AM. We picked up 4 inches in 1 hour.

DesertHen said...

We just had a brief shower roll through the valley with a bit of thunder and lightning. Hoping it cools things off a bit! You got a good rain!

Arkansas Patti said...

We had a few trees down in this area but I am loving the rain. We were pretty parched.
Am loving this windows open in July thing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the house our grandparents lived in... maybe i could come stay there? i like the sound of the rain, we had a pour down at 4 am... ha ha on risking your life... i do not go outside when it is lightning...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i enjoyed listening to your voice more than the rain....

ellen abbott said...

that's a good thing, right? we had a week of rain last week. not hard and thunderstormy but showers every day. was glad of it.

Sketching with Dogs said...

That was one heck of a rain storm, I enjoyed sharing it with you. Your land will benefit from a good soaking like that.
Lynne x

Susan Anderson said...

I love those sounds.


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