a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, July 6, 2013

dVerse~Poets Pub~Puzzles

What sweetness does a butterfly find in dog poop?
Why has the new grandsons' hang out become the dog's club house? 
When bathing dogs why do we insist on making strange hairstyles?
Why can't we share the good weather?
Rain here one week
Another place the next?

I'm sure this is not what dVerse~Poets Pub had in mind when the prompt was puzzles but these are things that puzzle me.  Got any answers?


Irene said...

I do not necessarily have any answers, but I'm sure if I think about it, I would have lots of questions myself. I do think you have a curious mind and are interested in a diverse umber of things and I think that is a sign of good mental health. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm just as puzzled by the prompt, but I like the dog clubhouse!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was born with a big WHY bump, curiosity bump... I have asked questions like these my whole life and NOPE no answers for these except, I know dogs love sand, baby loves her sand and has several holes to china in sand like this. the answer might be It is a Dog Thing

brudberg said...

Hello.. loved the hairdo on the dog.

I corrected the link on dVerse. So now we should be able to find you.

LilliStJohn said...

H-m-m-m-m - loet me see?
1. A little nutrition to pass on to plant or a wee seed to drop.
2. Because the grand dogs love to lay around warm sand n bark about stuff.
3. Because secretly, we would love to wear our hair like this. he,he
4. Because then we would not be on Planet Earth - we would be on Planet Perfect and besides, when it rains we are supposed to build a deep basin within the ground to conserve the water like our ancestors did - I haven't started mine yet, have you?
Neat post Gail and love the photos, especially Lizzy and the dog hangout:) Hi to everyone and big hug to Marcy!

Claudia said...

smiles... ha i wish we could share the weather - it would make so much sense...and smiling on the dog's hairstyle...my dog hated to bath..it was an adventure and if you let go just for a second the bathroom and everything was soaking wet...smiles

Brian Miller said...

ha. i rather like your pups hairstyle...it matches mine a bit...smiles....and as to poop, who knows its and interesting conundrum though, the beauty and the poop attracting...smiles...good to see you ma'am

Brian Miller said...

ha. i rather like your pups hairstyle...it matches mine a bit...smiles....and as to poop, who knows its and interesting conundrum though, the beauty and the poop attracting...smiles...good to see you ma'am

Mary said...

I love your sense of humor in this piece. My dogs envy your dog's hairstyle. They have always wished for longer hair. Smiles.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I like the 'do on that dog.

Scarlet said...

What a fun piece to read on Sunday morning ~ I wish we can all share the good weather though, send more sun over my side of the world, smiles ~

Anonymous said...

ha, loved the dog poop line - that one is indeed a mystery.

Unknown said...

Some questions are never answered! lol Love the dog-hairdo! Have a nice Sunday.

TexWisGirl said...

you're funny. :)

Lynne said...

No answers but wonder if the doggies like the clubhouse cuz' it feels good on the tummy!

Sketching with Dogs said...

That makes perfect sense about the weather.
I don't think you meant to build a dog club, do they get cocktails?
LOL, loving the hairstyle!
Lynne x

Sandee said...

Well, this all applies because it's a puzzle to you. So there.

1. Ask the butterfly.
2. Dogs like the hangout too.
3. Because it's fun.
4. Sharing the good weather would be nice.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to all the babies. :)

grapeling said...

maybe they think the poop is butter? I mean, they *are* butter-flies. A fun read and viewing this morning, thank you ~ M

Anonymous said...

This is a great post!

Anonymous said...

Great pics and good questions!

Anonymous said...

I don't have answers, but I do have a smile after reading your questions!

Beth Winter said...

I think it would be a sad world if butterflies never explored the excrement of our best friends or we couldn't play with hairstyles while bathing pets. I don't have answers but I'm thrilled there are questions.

labbie1 said...

I thought of you today when we went out to eat after church and what was on the menu???? Banger and mash of course! LOL

D. Jean Quarles said...

Lol, the doggie bath one got me.

Anonymous said...

I think this fit in just fine. All good puzzles begin with a good question. There doesn't necessarilly need to be an answer--take Life for exampole.>KB

LindaG said...

No answers, but I love the post and photos! :-)

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love pondering the mysteries of life, and you've come up with some good ones here. Loved the photos and thought the concept quite poetic... I, for one, like it very much!

Linda Starr said...

what a contrast to see the butterfly on dog poo, perhaps the minerals and salts in the poo are necessary for the butterfly

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That butterfly probably has no sense of smell!

Empty Nester said...

I don't have the answers but I'm with you on the questions!

Susan Anderson said...

I am especially stumped by the butterfly/poop puzzle.


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