a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dark Winter

Peering through the ice
No one sees me
No one knows I'm gone

That happens when
You burn your bridges
Through life

Breaking all connections
Making bad choices
Again and again

Shamed to ask for help
I enter a plea of forgiveness
As my body waits for spring

Imaginary Garden With Real Toads and Fireblossom Friday  Picture/IGWRT/Fireblossom


TexWisGirl said...

i think that happens a lot to folks.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Oh yes, I remember that part of the highway....a lonely place to be......I love the hope of healing at the close, when the heart turns towards spring, knowing one has done the best she could.

Carol Kilgore said...

Beautiful but lonely poem. Good to see you again on my blog ♥

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

So sad!

Unknown said...

We've all made bad choices, but just like dingy clothing we take them off and wash them clean. The spring is going to be a wonderful time for growth.

Jim said...

I'm glad you put a bit of 'hope' into this, Gail. We make our bed and then have to lay in it. But most beds await to be emptied when morning comes.
Can't go to far with a proverb type saying can we?

Susan said...

WHat a fine poem! It hurts to look through ice like that, to realize the bridge is gone. Ouch. I feel it.

brudberg said...

Life can be a lonely winter path. Or it can be walking barefoot in togetherness.. Bridges that are broken can be mended, but sustaining through the winter makes the difference.

LilliStJohn said...

Well said "Bjorn". I agree. Well done my friend, well written.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes there is no way back but there is always forward and something to look ahead to.

Lynne said...

Sad . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMG OMG this is ME...how did you know... if i could write i would have written this one... sad but true..

Linda Kay said...

Great poem, Gail...and that last picture of the snow along the water is awesome! Hope all is well with you.

Bethany Carson said...

Love the last photo. We all make mistakes, but God gives us grace and forgiveness, and strengthens us to build a brighter tomorrow. Reminds me of the song "Lord, to My Heart Bring Back the Springtime"

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Me too. Oh how is it that you know my mood and write of it? You truly are my soul sista. xoxo Oma Linda

SuyashJ said...

so beautifully dark

Anonymous said...

Great writing! Winter makes many of us feel that way!

Anonymous said...

I read this darker, seeing a frozen body waiting to be exposed come spring. Too many give up too soon.

Other Mary said...

This is a good one, Gail. The ice, burning and thawing...in the end.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice one, Gail..
Hope your daughter is healing more every day. I still have her in my prayers. Have a great day.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I love the idea of winter as a time to reflect on the things that haven't gone so well... and to plan for ways to make them better... once the dark cold is less oppressive. ♥

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wonderful poem and so pertinent to all of us.
Lynne x

Margaret said...

Asking forgiveness is the start of melting the ice and preparing for spring…

Fireblossom said...

Exactly what I asked for. Thanks, Gail.

Arkansas Patti said...

Very dark but with a glimmer of hope for the emotional spring that renews us all.
That last picture is stunning.

Susan Kane said...

Bridges can be re-built.

Even daffodils know that spring is around the corner. That is why they are brave enough to bloom, surrounded by a field of snow.

Susie Clevenger said...

The pain of remorse is so vivid in this.

Anonymous said...

In the gamut of "tails, tenacity and tedium" (to lift a great phrase from your blog), there always comes dark winter, the greatest moments of absence and failure. It's the earth's way, and we all go through that door (which you define so emotionally precise here) to live on to spring. The body regenerates, even maybe the heart.

Michaele said...

Some bridges are for burning some are for saving our lives. That is an amazing photo!!

Susan Anderson said...

Never good to burn those bridges! Well, unless there's a monster coming across. In that case, light the match, eh?

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