a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, January 2, 2015

We're Not Bad Dogs...

Bonnie wanted me to let y'all know she's through the trauma of having her puppy factory removed. We did not want to bring more misunderstood dogs into this world especially when a name can generate such fear and hate.  We know it's not true and not just because of Bonnie.  We have owned many American Pit Bulls in our married life.  Not one bad dog in the bunch!
Bonnie always goes next door to check on Marcy as part of her morning rounds.  She really likes Marcy but I suspect it may have a little to do with checking the cat food supply.
She has such a soulful look you can't refuse her snacks.
If you have none, she will find her own.
She loves when Jake comes,
is very gentle with Zander
and hogs the bed with Andrew.
She wants to play with the cats so badly. They don't like to play. They line up and just stare at her. I'm not sure who is more intimidated but they do tolerate each other.
One more poor pitiful starving look in Marcy's door before Bonnie returns home again.
I suspect with her eighty-three pound weigh in she's not starving.

There are no bad dogs just uneducated owners.  Pit Bull Power!!!  May the breed survive.


LilliStJohn said...

You said it right there "There are no bad dogs, just uneducated owners" - its very true - Bonnie does know how to give that look and another treat may come her way. ha,ha Lovely photos.

Bethany Carson said...

She looks like a very loving dog!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

her face is soooooooo beautiful and kissable... i can see why she gets the treats with those eyes begging.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

She's a big dog.
How could you refuse that face?

21 Wits said...

I totally and completely agree, and it's something I'm trying to educate my daughter-in-law with...but sometimes those types of owners are hard to reckon with as well! Children everywhere are always the better when they have dogs, animals and later coffee in their daily routine of life. Enjoy this brand new year of ours!

TexWisGirl said...

sweet, sweet girl. :) glad she's spayed. i always alter all my pets (well, except for my mares).

Lynne said...

Bonnie is a sweet lady . . .
You said it . . . uneducated owners . . . they give the "bad rap!"
Happy she made it through the "fix up!"

Susan Anderson said...

Glad she's got that behind her, and I agree that uneducated owners are the main problem with so-called "bad" dogs.


Arkansas Patti said...

I have rescued many a pit and love the breed. They are generally very sweet, loving dogs.
I was once attacked by a pit,bitten 17 times as I fought him off, but I know it is case by case, not by breed, with all dogs.
This is the post I did on the attack.http://thenewsixty.blogspot.com/2010/01/pit-bull-one-patti-one-half.html

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

You know that we love the breed here at Casa de Cuckoo. Bonnie is such a beauty. Something about the wrinkles on their foreheads make them able to have so many more facial expressions than most dogs. Our own Jameson the part pibble has the best looks. And he too stares at the cats with such longing but they just ignore him.
Happy New Year Ms. Gail.

Farm Girl said...

I totally agree with your statement. It is the owner I think more that the dog. A person can make any dog a killer.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Amen, amen!! Beautifully written, and yes... those eyes! <3

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yeah for spay! :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

You are so right, it is moronic owners who that give them the terrible reputation they don't deserve. Bonnie is a beauty.
Lynne x

Linda Kay said...

I'm sure you are right about the bad dogs theory. The pit bulls are really intimidating, maybe because of their thickness and structure. So glad you have a good doggy.

LindaG said...

Amen, Gail. You all have a wonderful, blessed year. ♥

Country Gal said...

Glad Annie is feeling better . The pit bull has a bad rap due to stupid people owning them for the wrong reasons that's what the problem is it is not the breed it's self . I can imaging Annie is a wonderful girl cause she is with a loving caring family . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

Magaly Guerrero said...

I've shared my home with two Stafordshire Bull Terriers. They have all been wonderful, one was even the biggest wimp on the planet. But so sweet. I used to feel sat when I was walking or running with them and people crossed the street, afraid.

You are right, the ones who need training walk on two legs.

Magaly Guerrero said...

Forgot to say, Happy New Year! ♥

Henny Penny said...

I am late commenting on this. It is so sad that all pit bulls have a bad name because of those that were raised by stupid people. It is never the dog's fault. Dogs turn out to be like their masters. Dogs are so smart and I worry constantly about those that are abused and mistreated. Bonnie looks like a sweetie pie.

Sandy Livesay said...

You're correct, it's the owner of the dog.....not the dog!!!

I love Bonnie's expression while looking in the window.

DesertHen said...

She is such a beautiful dog! Our pit/mix is a big goof ball and would rather be a lap dog!

Great post!

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