a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Through A Child's Eyes

Z, the youngest grand, was sent home from school Tuesday because his cheeks were rosy.  No fever but to return to school we had to visit the doctor.

I could tell he was nervous so we read a few books during our wait.  We did weigh because Z has been saying he weighed six pounds confusing the concept of weight with age.  The nurse showed him the numbers but not sure if he's convinced yet.  Fifty one pounds is not six pounds.

What do you do when a nervous non-sick child is in the doctor's office?  Well, I handed him my camera and the time passed quickly.

 He covered the entire office
He practiced saying, "Awwww"
Funny faces, rolling stools
 and many self portraits

and legs
on exam table
And the wonderful doctor who agreed with an old lady who has seen many child rashes in her life time. No reason to send him home.  No fever. The camera was a great "toy" and 136 pictures later Z is released to return to school. I sincerely believe rosy cheeks were the result of running in sunshine.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Really rosy cheeks was the only symptom...they must be in panic mode at school:)

kaykuala said...

Delightful snapshots Gail! Sick or not the youngsters always are fun to be with!


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I'm glad the little feller was ok!! :)

LilliStJohn said...

z has the most beautiful eyes. I am sure we have all witnessed or taken children to Dr. Office. I have had a few laughs in my lifetime with questions kids ask in the doctor's office. Love the photos - has M been teaching him. ha,ha Yep, he looks dandy to me. lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just saw on the news that a deadly measles out break has happened, so they might have been afraid that is what he has.. but rosy cheeks can come from sun, running and jumping to.. if no fever they should not have sent him home .. but it looks like the both of you had a blast with the camera. great idea...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

From those photos, he sure didn't act sick. Good idea to let him play with it.

TexWisGirl said...

gosh, just a bit overzealous, weren't they? they should have at least tested for a fever!

he's a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Send a child home with 'rosy cheeks' good grief.

Sandy Livesay said...

Rosy cheeks is not a reason to send a child home. Did the teacher send him to the nurse to check to see if he had a fever first?
Nothing like having to pay a doctors office money for them to say Z is not sick. Can you send the school the bill, LOL.......
Just teasing, I'm glad to hear Z is not sick, and he had fun using your camera.

Linda Kay said...

Sounds like the school and the school nurse might be a bit paranoid! Glad you had your camera for entertainment.

Arkansas Patti said...

Think that scary flu bug has people on edge. Too bad the school doesn't pick up the bill.
So glad he was just fine and I loved his monkeying around.

Sketching with Dogs said...

That was a very inventive and fun thing to do. Hope Z is back to his lively self :)
Lynne x

Farm Girl said...

I always enjoy seeing pictures that kids take. I love how they just take pictures of every thing that looks interesting.
I am glad nothing was wrong with him.

LindaG said...

Glad to hear he wasn't sick, Gail. You have enough to handle right now.
Bundle up! I hear the cold is coming back.

21 Wits said...

Wow, seriously? Not even a fever? This is a first for me to send a child home for rosy cheeks! My gosh used to be pale faces were trouble, but rosy cheeks are healthy! He's such a cutie pie too, and he looks well to me, and I'm just seeing pictures! Of course it's always good to be on the safe side.

Lynne said...

Loved this happy, picture fed post . . .
Happy Zander is "just fine!"

Michaele said...

Lol! Super cute kid and super-duper gma.

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