a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, January 24, 2015

This N That

Maria's skin graft is taking on two ends.  Now if they will just meet in the middle we can begin complete recovery.  That's what we're aiming for anyway. This has just zapped all of us.  

Wednesday Maria went for an appointment for pain management and they would not see her because the police have lost her license.  No exceptions. (The state trooper was holding Zander and had the license after the wreck.  Maria and Zander left in an ambulance so the trooper took it to the local sheriff's office.) After Hubby and she returned home Hubby visited the police department and believe me when I say he had everyone looking for that license.  I'll just say no one was smiling. Now the department has a new policy about how they handle licenses.

Thank you for all your continued prayers and well wishes.
Before the cold front I topped off and cleaned a little on the water gardens.  That is always fun but it was just almost too cold to play in the water.  They are now ready for the next freeze.
My skunk skull I saved has almost been cleaned by the weather.  Not sure what it will be used for but I'll find a creative purpose.  The skunk was ambitious, like Caesar, but the good smell is not interred with his bones. It simply disappeared. Thank goodness.
Saw my crystals shining and just had to share.
Next time you see these they may all be covered with ice.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just showed bob the skunk skull and we both have never ever never seen one before... made us laugh... i am betting it will be somewhere in a rock garden. am i right? love the pot of crystals... glad Maria is healing and that is totally unbelievable about the license, they lost it they should get her a new one... will it ever end is what i thought when i read this.

Country Gal said...

Cool skunk skull ! I hope they find her license and Maria gets better soon and heals . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend and get some rest !

Magaly Guerrero said...

In any other situation the driver's license issue would be just annoying. But for Maria to have to wait for pain management treatment, well, that's just insanity. Why do they need the license for anyway? ID? If so, can't they use some other government issued document?

I hope all gets resolved soon. Will keep you and yours in my prayers.

Magaly Guerrero said...

Oops! My annoyance at the ineptitude of the people who lost the license and the consequences the event brought into view, I forgot to say that I can't wait to see what you'll do with the skull. And your crystals rock! Hope you show them to us when they are covered with snow. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I've seen plenty of skunks but never did I imagine their skulls would look like that.

Linda Kay said...

Gail, hope the healing continues. This has really been an ordeal for all of you. Can you believe they have lost the license. Maybe it's in someone's coat pocket. Such a pain in the neck...one more thing to deal with. Look forward to seeing the ice on the crystals.

Lynne said...

How frustrating was that! WOW . . .
HAPPY your guy affected a policy change!

Soon there will be many water garden moments!

Maude Lynn said...

My daughter would love that skull. She collects them.

Barbara said...

lol a skunk, hum, did it loose it smell? Have a great day..

TexWisGirl said...

hoping for continued healing! bless her!

Arkansas Patti said...

I am so glad she is making progress but feel the lost license needs to be corrected pronto by the ones that lost it. How awful that she needed one to receive pain care.
Who knew skunks had such impressive teeth.

M.E. Masterson said...

Ice...no ice! It is to nice for Ice!
Do love the bobbles tho'

I sure hope they make it right. They should have to pay for a replacement! Wish best wishes to Maria!!

LindaG said...

I do love your water gardens, Gail.
Perhaps your skunk skull could find a place at one of them?
Praying still for your daughter's healing. Have a blessed Sunday, Gail.

gld said...

Good to hear that the healing process is beginning.

It sure looks like some accommodation could have been made for Maria at Pain Management! A call from the Police Dept.....something. I hope the police are responsible for getting her license replaced. You all don't need additional aggravation.

You should see the interesting bones our dogs drag in....no skulls yet though.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm late making blog rounds but I hope by now the middle is healing too. What a mix up with the license.. I guess they got all that figured out. When it rains, it pours, huh?
Still sending up prayers for y'all- have a good week.

Susan Anderson said...

Sheesh. That is unreal. I hope they find that license, pronto.


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