a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, January 9, 2015

Remember Summer

It will return.


LindaG said...

Yup.. And then we'll be wishing it was cooler. :-D

Have a wonderful, blessed weekend. Stay warm!

Magaly Guerrero said...

Do you promise? Because it's pretty disgusting outside? Yesterday, I thought my toes were going to freeze...

Yay, summer!

LilliStJohn said...

yep, less than 70 days give er take. I do not mind the cold - in the North, you get used to it and just dress the part to stay warm. In fact, I love coming home from a walk with nice rose red face and fresh air in lungs. Always wear scarf around nose and mouth when out for prolonged periods of time as especially the nose (with the frigid cold) up in it makes your nasal passage much more susceptible to cold germs. The cold air bears down on your immune sys in your nasal passage and weakens the area and begins a cold in your sinuses. I usually wear layers and my outer parka has high collar to cover nose and mouth on those bitter wind days. H-m-m-m, how did I stray from summer. ha,ha I love summer and will complain with the rest of you when it gets too got. :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

It was a long time ago and only lasted about 3 days but I vaguely remember it...
Glad you liked the Beamish pictures.
Lynne x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish you a summer coming soon. and i wish my summer to take a long time coming.. we have bugs and spiders and bees year round, so not chance to miss them. the bee tree is humming away but they don't like the 44 degree temp for the past 3 days.. they fly like they are drunk. jake bit one yesterday and it stung his tongue.

Lynne said...

Thank you . . .

TexWisGirl said...

great one, gail!

Linda Kay said...

Thanks for the reassurance! We need it today. Rainy on the verge of ice.

Anonymous said...

We'll appreciate it more after going through 12 more weeks of winter.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And return with a vengeance.
That spider web shot is amazing.

Michaele said...

I was just remembering to be thankful for the lack of flies and spiders in the house now that it is winter. All the seasons have their blessings, I just have to remember to look.

Susan Anderson said...

What a great spider web shot!


Arkansas Patti said...

Thanks for the reminders. As long as our summers stay mild like last year, I am all for it.
Lets hope the pending freezing rain keeps the power lines where they belong.
Stay safe and warm.

Anonymous said...

I love these photos. What camera did you use? I need a new one, so am comparing.

I posted a Winter poem. Nice to have balance.

DesertHen said...

You are a tease! Wonderful photos!

Foggy and cold here!

Connie said...

Hi Gail, I am delighted to meet you. This is my first visit to your blog and I love your photography and your outlook on life. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to be your newest follower. My husband and I are seniors and while all of our friends are starting to downsize, we purchased a little country bungalow (major fixer-upper) on an acre of land last spring. That may not sound like much of a farm to you, but to us it is huge. I raised my very first garden last summer and had enough surplus to put out Free Boxes on the road. It was so much fun seeing people pull over and bag up produce. We always loved the idea of country living and decided that if we didn't do it now we would never have the chance again. Please come visit my blog and help me celebrate my three year blogging birthday. I am having a Give-A-Way. It is not much but it is handmade :)
Your new blogging sister,
Connie :)
Oh, the thumbnail profile photo is me and my guitar. I play and sing in an "old geezer band". We play at nursing homes, farmers markets, and the county fair :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Spring is right around the corner..69 days as of today!...:)JP

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Yes, and then I will be whining about how hot and sultry it is. It really hasn't been too awful yet..just cold.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Tis a distant memory..I think I remember warmth:)

Sandy Livesay said...

Not soon enough!!!

Bethany Carson said...

Hope to the end they say...
Thanks for the encouragement and the glimpse of the promised season. ;) Very nice shot of the spider web.

Susie Clevenger said...

What beautiful reminders! Love the bee shot.

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