a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


The sparkle of a secret
in a little girl's eye
excitement grows
as she whispers to her mother
let no one know

She tiptoes to her father
her secret they share
and lastly to her sister
who's just standing there

As she whispers to her sister
reality grows
a secret isn't a secret
if more than one knows

For dVerse~Poets Pub


Vandana Sharma said...

Kids!!! can't keep secrets and keeping secret a secret is a secret for them!!!

Brian Miller said...

ha. that is the innocence of kids...they think it is still a secret surely....and they think it will stay so...its a fun little game...

Claudia said...

smiles... and there are def. secrets that just need to be shared - and that makes them feel even nicer though not so secret-ive anymore...smiles

brudberg said...

Of course - secrets exclude.. Wonder what she did with the knowledge.

Katie Mia Frederick said...

Yes.. secrets are the parents of gossip.. and secrets are more fun to share than keep!..:)

LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha that was really cute and oh so true. so hard to keep a secret and how many we share. not online at home today so this is short. Have a good one and its only -29 here today - YIKES. Nice bird photos out front of Marcy's door. HI n Hugz

Lynne said...

SWEET . . .

Bethany Carson said...

Sweet! There's nothing like a little child!

Anonymous said...

Sweet little poem.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love it and it is true.. and little girls are just like that

the only way to keep a secret is to tell no one but yourself is my personal motto. i know this because the moment someone tells me a secret i want to tell someone else.

TexWisGirl said...

really cute!

Misky said...

Oh I love this completely!

Farm Girl said...

That is just lovely today Gail. So sweet. So true too. :)

Linda Kay said...

Such a cute poem...and how true of kids who think that as long as they tell something and mention not to tell, it's still a secret.

DesertHen said...

Well done! Sometimes holding a secret is hard to do.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

such a sweet tale.........

21 Wits said...

So true, and precious at the same time!

Sketching with Dogs said...

That's so lovely!
Lynne x

Mon.Esprit said...

Looks like my first comment was not posted - you have handled the theme in such a adorable piece, loved it. I am glad this could be a part of my prompt.

Unknown said...

I always have the first impression not to trust anybody with any secrets that I may have, but when I do share them I make sure the person I tell is someone I can trust. Once that trust is broken, they might as well forget ever hearing secrets from me ever again.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Kids are better with secrets than adults me thinks sometime!...:)JP

Arkansas Patti said...

Love the poem filled with so much truth told sweetly. It is how secrets become common knowledge.

LindaG said...

Haha. This is a cute one, Gail. :-)

DandKblog said...

Very cute! I love the images you create as the secret is passed. Cheers!

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