a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rock Hollow

Every place has history
if you listen well
rocks and trees whisper
all have stories to tell
From water falls
to swimming holes
flowers, ferns and moss
beauty feeds the soul
I never walk alone
dogs are always there
I can feel the ancestors
in the land and in the air
From deep hidden spaces
to magnificent falls
the place renews my spirit
places both large and small


Myrna R. said...

Since beauty feeds the soul, mine was just fed by your lovely poem and pictures. Made me want to get in the car and go to my favorite stream. But, it's 5 hours away.

Anonymous said...

Sounds and looks like a little slice of heaven.

Farm Girl said...

Lovely and I would love to go to Rock Hollow. I love the way your words make it seems so inviting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i almost missed the dog in the last photo. these are beautiful. i like that first one with those big big rocks to sit on.. and would like to wade in that water. Rock Hollow is a place i would love to.

lynn__ said...

What a lovely visit! I like anyplace with ferns and moving water...enjoyed your photos & poem.

TexWisGirl said...

nature is renewing. :)

Anonymous said...

Indeed, you have to listen.

Mary said...

This poem can't help but make a person feel good...and renewed! Beauty can certainly feed the soul, and your words expressed that so well.

Grace said...

I would love to walk there and feel the presence of nature ~

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

A lovely walk in the water- I know you did! Looks like the temps were warm enough for the pups to take a swim. I'm happy to see the sun shining.

Maude Lynn said...

This is really loveley!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Between the feast for the eyes of your photo and the glory of your words, my own soul felt like it had made that walk, with the dogs and the ancestors. How lucky you are to have such beauty to walk through. This planet is so beautiful! I LOVE the bottom photo of the dog in the creek - Pup and now Jasmine have always been water dogs. Yours looks quite a bit like my boy.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

This feels no less than paradise... its beautiful..!
Loved it :D

Susie Clevenger said...

Lovely photos..every place has history if we would just look...wise advise.

Debi Swim said...

I love trees but big moss covered rocks are my next favorite people.
Your poem is so peaceful.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Yes, a beautiful way to renew the spirit. (What Debi says about trees and rocks is exactly how I feel too.)

Sandy Livesay said...

Beautifully written! The angels of history are always present when walk through mother nature.

Ella said...

This was lovely~ I love the photo of your dog and the feeling of being on this poetic path with you~

Maggie May said...

There was something magical about those photos! Your dog was having a wonderful time in the water. They usually do, don't they?

Many thanks for visiting me!
Any friend of Eddie's is a friend of mine!
Maggie x

Joy said...

Totally awesome. I love being out in the nature too!

grapeling said...

love the images and how you've hewed to them in the pen ~

LilliStJohn said...

The photos penned with the words actually make you feel the gracious gifts in each word. Beautiful.

Susan said...

Simply beautiful, truth itself.

LindaG said...

You have so much beautiful property. A new adventure every day.
Thank you for sharing it with us. ♥

Unknown said...

So much history is in nature; we often forget that these are living things... they just tell stories in a different way...

Lynne said...

Beautiful . . ,
I find "church, GOD, spirit" in my sacred "forest places."
(Best ever . . . I needed this.)

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