a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, April 27, 2015

Someone Made A Mistake!

Through Wishes, Dreams And Other Things by way of McGuffy's Reader I have been graciously awarded  the Creative Blogger Award.  Thank you for this honor.

I thank who awarded me, link to them, and tell my deep dark secrets (something) about myself.

1. I began my blog in September '08.   A variety of subjects were written about during my seven years of blogging. I have bared my soul, told scary fictional and non-fictional tales, written some "poetry", shown my "art", shared my ideas, my laughter and tears of farming and life.  If there's a subject you are interested in, type a word in the search at the upper left of my blog and you can see what I thought about that subject at the time.  I'm not out of words yet!

2.  Life is full of changes and so has my blog writing changed.  In the beginning I feared showing my face.  My first profile photo was a goat's behind sticking out of a feed sack.  I don't know that my face is better but it's different.   One thing blogging has given me is bravado.  The best thing I have gained is many wonderful friends.  They support me, encourage me, cry and laugh with me and appreciate me just the way I am...or so they say.  Oh, and I tease a lot.

3.  I have a Rebel camera and am trying to learn how to take pictures better than just click and shoot.  This may take me a while so please be patient.

4.  You who know me are gonna laugh cause this ain't a secret...I love dogs, horses, nature and rocks!

5.  I believe we are stewards of the land and hope to leave it better than it was.  I believe in The Creator and the Boogie Man (he/she has many faces).  I believe we make a difference when we write. We make the world smaller by coming together.  I believe there is always something to learn and yet also believe there is nothing new under the sun.  My wise grandmother told me to believe nothing I hear and only half of what I see so I have some cynicism but much optimism.
I hope it balances out.

Thank you for sharing this award with me.

One more thing:  My mind, like Diamond Lil in this picture, is always busy whether it shows or not.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

all of this and more is why I LOVE YOU... Lil looks like she is focused on fishing or crawdad hunting. your humor is the part I love and enjoy the most.

Farm Girl said...

You deserve the award. I think we have all changed from when we first started blogging.
I hope you have a lovely week.

Linda Kay said...

Gail, congrats on the nomination for the award. I do enjoy your blog, and also enjoy your comments on mine as well. This is only my first year of blogging (anniversary soon), so I'm sure I will change some over time as well. Love my blogging friends!

TexWisGirl said...

love the last statement and photo. perfect. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

What you've just written is great.

I really enjoy 'blogland' you do meet some nice people.

All the best Jan

LindaG said...

Lil looks like she is searching for something to catch; or admiring all the stones!

Hope you all have a blessed week, Gail. Congratulations!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Congrats on your award. I love your blog for the stories, wonderful photos, poetry and everything else that makes it so interesting.
Here's to the next 7 years!
Lynne x

Country Gal said...

Congrats my friend . Yes my mind is always on overdrive lol ! I am soo glad to of found your blog years ago I always enjoy your photos and posts . I will always treasure the sketches you did and sent to me of our Miggs they are in frames up on my wall and friends have often commented on them and said they liked them . Wonderful post . Thanks for sharing, Have a good day !

Vandana Sharma said...

kudos!!!best wishes...........

Sandy Livesay said...

Congratulations on receiving the Creative Blogger Award!

Arkansas Patti said...

Congrats big time and wear your award with pride. You earned it. Keep those posts coming.

Velva said...

Blogging is a life changing and enjoyable experience. So many wonderful people to meet- so many creative forces to learn from-

Happy spring!


Cynthia said...

Lil looks like she is looking for a fish to swim by so she can snap it up! I love the rural life,too, but I do like to the visit the city. Just wouldn't want to live there!

C-ingspots said...

Dear friend, we have much in common. And you're certainly deserving of the title - congratulations!!

Lynne said...

Congra'ts . . . Well deserving of the honor and award!
I love to read and listen to what you have to say!
Happy to know you my friend . . .

Ida said...

Well that was fun! I'm so glad you accepted the award. Sorry it's taken me awhile to comment. Our e-mail has been on the fritz so I haven't been able to access it properly. Anyway I enjoyed learning more about you and how/why you started your blog.

21 Wits said...

You deserve this award, and absolutely everything you stated, is why we keep coming back day after day! Here's to very long blogging..... !

Susan Anderson said...

Well deserved, Gail. I love visiting here.


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