a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mushroom Love

Inky Cap mushrooms have many varieties.
They stood out like a grizzly in snow
I wanted to get closer
I laid down on wet ground to get the perfect shot.
Hubby laughed.
Since I laid down
I caught some of these.
It's tick season....a small price to pay for good pictures.
We call these Spot Backs but they are the Lone Star female.


LilliStJohn said...

Tis but a pittance to pay for such a great shot. On the other hand, great shot of the Lone Star Female - sounds like a good western movie. ha,ha Have a wonderful day. lol H to M

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen mushrooms with black caps and these photos are perfect... how do you keep the ticks off the dogs.. my first dog i had until i was 15 had to be put down from tick fever, he was covered in them... they are wicked and dangerous to humans so stay out of that grass on your tummy, think Lymes disease..

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fantastic shot!
I hate ticks. That's why I don't venture out into the woods here.

Sandy Livesay said...

Ticks already, they are such a royal pain. Beautiful pictures! I love the one you took while laying on the ground. It captures everything.

ellen abbott said...

my first chigger bites of the year showed up yesterday.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

That is a PERFECT picture. Love all of them, but that last one is the bomb.

Stupid ticks.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, dear. the ticks are not good! but your inky mushrooms are very cool!

Sketching with Dogs said...

I have never heard of those mushrooms, they look amazing. Surely they must be poisonous?
Gahhh ticks! Be careful to get them all off.
Lynne x

Gwen said...

New follower here. AMAZING mushroom pictures, but that tick scares the hell out of me. ;)

21 Wits said...

Well worth getting down on the ground, these shots are awesome, but the ticks, not so wonderful. Last night I found two ticks crawling on me, that of course either I or one of the dogs brought in.

Susan Kane said...

Ticks are in the brush and timber areas near us, so we always wear long pants, legs wrapped, and sprayed with bug spray. I say "we" but I really mean the gr-kids.

Why do such lovely mushrooms have to be poisonously unedible?

Arkansas Patti said...

Ooh, I have never seen such a mushroom.
Careful of the ticks, I have a friend still suffering from the Tularemia she got from a tick. It was a long battle.

Linda Kay said...

Ewwww, ticks are so creepy. I've had to get them off the kids before.

C-ingspots said...

You're right, that last one is the perfect shot! And the tick is really creepy...nasty creatures!! I know we have ticks here, but I've never seen one personally, and heaven knows I go tromping about in the woods and fields and everywhere often enough, you'd think I would have. They must be few and far between! I dislike most bugs intensely...and yesterday when I pulled a pair of jeans out of a pile, a spider came running out! Good grief - I almost had a heart attack...had to go searching through every inch of those pants and still felt creepy crawly most of the day!

LindaG said...

I despise ticks because they are so sneaky.
Great photos, though!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos ! Oh the things we will do and go through just to get that perfect photo lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Dreaming said...

Most definitely worth it! The shots are great.

Lowcarb team member said...

Ticks ........no no

I've never seen mushrooms like that - so I can honestly say I've learnt something new today ... thanks.

All the best Jan

thewovenspoke said...

Those are neat looking mushrooms, great photos. I'm glad you got the ticks off, but they make me nervous.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I've ever seen that variety of mushroom. Are they poisonous?

Ida said...

Interesting variety of mushroom. Can't say I'd want to find the tick on me though.

Lynne said...

Oh dear, do I have to worry about you and ticks now!
Great picture of the mushroom . . . but please be careful crawling around like that Missy!
(I do that too.)

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