a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Terzanelle? With My Dogs

Trying my inexperienced hand at creating a Terzanelle. (I feel a little better since my computer says it's not a word.  That just means we are both obsolete.)  While trying to find where in the world I found the prompt I discovered one of my favorite poetry sites is closing its doors.  Good Bye, Poetry Jam, I will miss you.

I thought, What in the world could I talk about, using the proper form, that would fill five required triplets and an ending quatrain?  Well, I do have six dogs....pictures in order of age, oldest to the pup.
I declare dogs are smart
Strong workers with big hearts
I declare dogs are smart
No matter the color, breed or age
They win you over from the start
Strong workers with big hearts
Size nor breed matters not
Loving canines with big hearts
They win you over from the start
Many are thrown away
When given a new place to stay
Loving canines with big hearts
A true announcer in every way
Running free living large
When given a new place to stay
A true announcer in every way
Strong workers with big hearts
I declare dogs are smart
Running free living large

Still not sure if I have the form right.
I could use some advice.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the dog pics and I get this one from start to finish but Oh My Dogs OMD OMD i read the description of what the word is that starts with T and got so upset i started to cry... well not really but i did get frustrated because i could not figure it out. I will just live in my world under the poetry rock and let you and others write the poems.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the dog pics and I get this one from start to finish but Oh My Dogs OMD OMD i read the description of what the word is that starts with T and got so upset i started to cry... well not really but i did get frustrated because i could not figure it out. I will just live in my world under the poetry rock and let you and others write the poems.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

evidently i do KNOW HOW TO COMMENT in tripilcate..

TexWisGirl said...

i don't know about poetry form, but i agree with you on pups!

21 Wits said...

Who cares, don't worry it's perfect in my eyes, and so darn true. If only we humans could be totally described so well! Bravo! Hello sweet pups you brighten my day.

Linda said...

Lovely photos; sweet dogs. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I don't know the form, but you did a great job with the poem!

Linda Kay said...

You have lost me on the form, Gail, but I sure enjoyed seeing the dogs out having a good time.

LindaG said...

Right or not, matters not to me. I loved it, Gail.
Sorry to hear about your Poetry Jam. That is sad.

Have a blessed day and stay dry!

Arkansas Patti said...

You have a very diverse pack. You definitely are not locked into a particular breed. They all have their charm and ability to claim a heart don't they?
I know nothing about poetry form--looked perfect to me.

Other Mary said...

Gail that is wonderful! And I LOVE you choice of subject! :o) I have only one dog at present, and have had as many as three. I can't imagine six though! What a pet party that must be!

Susan Kane said...

What a variety of dogs, all healthy and on the run.

Your poems do not need to have a form and such--they are a reflection of who you are, and that means they are darn good.

LilliStJohn said...

I shall not comment in triplicate, I shall not comment in triplicate, I shall not comment in triplicate - however; I did enjoy the poem and always love seeing your buddies, eh. lol H to M

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That looked complicated, but you pulled it off. Smart to do it on your dogs.

Lynne said...

Not a poet critique but LOVE your doggies!

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