a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, November 15, 2008

From My Imagination

Father Sky promised rain. His promises were empty like the clouds that moved across Him. Rain was but a fading memory and a dim hope. Winter babies, soon to walk, had never felt the rain. It was only a story told by the elders when the small ones could not sleep.

The People had gathered to water when the rains no longer came. This was not their always home. In a vision, a wise woman was shown this valley. By the signs, she led them here.
The valley, invisible from any distance, was nestled at the base of a stony hill. The other three sides gently sloped into the hidden valley fed by three springs. The trees on all four sides stood guarding the secret they had sheltered for untold years. In the shallow bowl of the valley the green grasses waved and animals came to feed and drink.
Mother Earth had brought them here, if not to prosper, at least to survive. They gave thanks to the spirits of the animals that fed them. Careful to use only what they needed, plants were left to resupply. Mother Earth cared for them. They honored Her with respect.
The People stayed.
They played. They hunted.
They fished. They laughed.
They lived.
And the rains came and Mother Earth smiled.


Sharon said...

That was beautiful Gail, I wish I could write like that :)

Gail said...

Sharon: You do even better!

C-ingspots said...

Very nice Gail. I really admire the Native American people for their respect of the earth and everything in it. They were never a wasteful people. I enjoy your music - 2 of my favorites - Patsy Cline and B.B. King - good taste in music my dear.

Gail said...

This was my imagination working overtime. We find arrowheads here so that started my mind wandering.
This is actually a description of our farm.

Grammy said...

Wow. You still dreaming. LOL. Great story.

The W.O.W. factor! said...

That is beautiful Gail! You must let your imagination run ~while you pass the hours away at the PO! I did!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

This is beautiful. Living in New Mexico, Native Americans and their history and heritage are very special to me. I feel it's a part of my own life now.

I realy enjoyed your writings. :)

New Mexico

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