a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Painting With Grandpa

Set scene: My father with Alzheimer's, my afternoon to sit with him, summer day, shade of the pecan tree, beautiful weather, I decided we would paint.

Hands that had never painted
Contrasted with the white empty canvas.
A dish of colors in one, a brush in the other
Eighty-five- year-old hands
Danced with sunshine and shadow.

Colors trailed across the canvas
Speaking volumes
Hands taking their work to heart
Like the man had always done.

With smiling Irish eyes, he said
"...never been a painter."
Answering yes,
To "Are you having fun?"
He painted more.

We were lost in a world of colors,
We traveled into the canvas
Neither asking where the other had been.
We left our dreams to dry
Going inside to eat ice cream.

I still have the painting Dad did that afternoon in a place of honor. The poem is attached.


Christy said...

That is wonderful. This would be a great thing to do with my Grandpa, who has Alzheimers now.

allhorsestuff said...

That was a wonderful visit! I would love to see that summers day painting sometime Gail,

Grammy said...

Aw. What a treasure in memory and a painting.

SkippyMom said...

I've been meaning to come and post a comment on this post. It brings back so many memories of my Grandma and it is such a poignant post. Thank you for sharing.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Skippy and the family

Tina said...

You painted more than a canvas that day..you painted some wonderful and colorful memories of a father and daughter lost in a world of a conversation without words! How nice!

Katherine Dunn/Apifera Farm said...

That is an intimate glance at moments you shared. Very touching. Those moments are hard to capture in words but you did.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

This is really beautiful, Gail, and it touched my heart.

New Mexico

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