a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lizzy And Loads of News...

My tooth broke but Hubby's retirement has been approved.  I just shot soda pop out my nose but the laundry is almost done.  The yearling ticks are out but we got rain!

You who know me knew I could not resist saving another life to enrich mine.  Meet Lizzy or as she was sadly labeled, Number eighteen.
Her first view of cattle
Lizzy's face wet with dew
Playing with her hedgehog
which she loves until it squeaks.

I love dogs and animals in general.  I am not a dog hoarder.  We have seven total dogs now...and I agree, that is a lot.  That is divided between two households and all of them do earn their keep. They also are not all house dogs!  Lizzy a Cairn mix will be my snuggle buddy and Maggie by royalty order are the only two inside.  Andrew sneaks another in now and then but what can I say, dogs and boys go together.

Before I make this too long and drawn out...I HAVE 400 FOLLOWERS!!!!!  Never thought it!

Marcy continues to recover and Hubby is holding his own.  Through all the rough times, I thank you for your prayers and thoughts.  Never could have made it without them...or you.


Unknown said...

I love Lizzy! My first dog was named Lizzy. And in my mind, seven is fine! But don't ask my husband!!! For him, it is way too hard to lose them when it's time. But they all had the best life with us and that's what I am all about. So I put up with his rath, he gets over it and loves them like I do. (this is how I lost my first husband) Good riddance!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Good news I love good news. Lizzy is so cute she is going to be a great cattle dog:)
400 wow good for you celebrate let us eat cake:) Hugs to you and Marcy and I was going to say to Hubby too but that seemed a little weird:) all the best to him though. B

LilliStJohn said...

Great news Gail - now that is cake and celebrate time. Hope your tooth is repaired soon. I am happy for you guys. Love the photos of new little Lizzy - she probably thinks those are bigger dogs out there in the pasture. ha,ha

Sandy Livesay said...

Good morning Gail,
Lizzy looks extremely content! She has a hedge hog too, omg....my Beans has one and he loves this silly thing.
Ut...OH, you broke a tooth. That's no fun, are you going to the dentist? If you have pain and can't get into the dentist right away, use clove oil on your tooth and gum (with cotton ball) and it will numb the area and help stop any pain.
I'm go glad to hear Hubby and Marcy are doing better and holding their own.
Try to have a great day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Lizzie is so tiny, I can see her size now with her toy. i bet those big cows were scary from her height.

the canned quilter said...

Congrats on retirement and great that Marcy is doing well! Not so great about the tooth. My two Scottish Terriers would live Lizzy!

Irene said...

It seems you only have good news today except for your broken tooth. I hope you will be able to get that fixed. As long as you have the space and the energy, you should have all the dogs you can handle. They have a good life with you after all :o)

TexWisGirl said...

congrats on hubby's approval!! hoping things continue to improve for all of you - i know lizzy's happy!

Dreaming said...

I am so glad to have met your new pup, and the third picture of her is like a pet portrait - it's beautiful - as is she!
Congrats on your 401 followers!
Have a great day - sorry to hear about the tooth.

Country Gal said...

Glad to hear all is going well ! I to love animals would love to be able to save them all ! Lizzy is a cutie and I am so happy she has found such a wonderful home with you and your clan ! Have a great day !

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Congrats on the 400+ followers, the health update on your hubby and sis, your darling new Lizzie and number 18 being agreed upon. Icky about your tooth. Wish you only good things today and always,Oma Linda

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Gail, great blog, new follower here. Oh I love that little Lizzie, so cute, never enough dogs, tee hee. Glad to hear things are better. Blessings Francine.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good news all around..except for the tooth. If you can afford to feed and keep your animals healthy that is what counts. Your new Lizzy is sure cute:)

Farm Girl said...

I couldn't have left that cute dog either. I would have had to take her just because of those cute ears that stand up like they do and that fuzzy face.
I am so glad things are going so well now. That is nice to hear.
Congrats on 400 followers, that is awesome. Have a lovely day, Gail.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Glad there are bluer skies in your life. God is good. Lizzy thinks so too. :)

Susan Anderson said...

Lizzy has landed in a good place.

And I'm glad everyone is doing reasonably well over there...


Lynne said...

Great post Gail! Great hubby news too, sorry for the "tooth break!"

Looks like you are over 400 now . . . Congratulations . . .

Pat said...

Thumbs up to Lizzy! She is a cutie! Pop through your nose? Are you trying a new experiment or something? hee hee

LindaG said...

So glad to hear your husband's retirement was approved. Congratulations!

Hope you all have a blessed weekend, Gail. ♥

DesertHen said...

Well Lizzie is sure a cutie!

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