a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Planting The Carpet....

Remember when I talked about Dating The Plywood?  Well, Tractor Man has not finished that project so I decided to attempt it myself.  After removing the ancient chipboard I balanced to measure an inset and so began the much delayed job of replacing ancient chipboard with plywood. 

My main tools were a pry bar, a hammer, a flat edge screw driver and a pair of tongs.  After removing the ancient carpet from said inset most of the chipboard just dropped.  That's how old it was.  Carpet was all that kept us from falling through in some places.  Lucky this was an extra room and not used much.

You may wonder why I chose these tools.  The hammer and pry bar were used to remove the tack board and the remaining chip board.  The staples were pried up using same tools or with hammering the straight edge screw driver under and prying them out.  The tongs???  To pick up the chip board that had fallen under the floor so I wouldn't have to crawl under there and get even more dirty.

I did not ask for help but Tractor Man cannot stay away when someone is working.  He stood behind me a while (which drives me #### crazy).  After listening to advice on what better tools I should be using I left the room. 

Returning I discovered poor Tractor Man straddling a two by six within the hole I had opened.  I asked politely what happened.  He informed me he slipped and fell and his toes were not touching the ground. I tried not to laugh.  I really did then I offered to help him up.  He decided he might just rest there a minute before climbing out.

I continued to work and Tractor Man brought me loads of power tools to make my life easier.  What he didn't know was I wanted the simplicity the peacefulness of doing it by hand.

I was ready for sawing and placement. He helped then left the room.  I do only one area at a time finish that and move to another.  Inset finished and solid, move to next spot.  Bigger space, pieces tonged into old dog food bags ready to dispose.  Replacement piece measured three times and cut once.

Tractor Man is just dieing to do something.  He had not done any of this since April but now that I am doing it, he's here.

I decided to remove all the carpet and padding and see what I had to repair.  After dragging all this onto the porch, we decided to fill a bad wash with this biodegradable trash.
The bucket runneth over 
Lizzy helped me drive the Ranger
and approved my careful placement
after I had thrown dead limbs and rocks
into the gully.
The old carpet will bring new life
feeding the soil and preventing soil erosion.
Dog approved, the gully is now a nice seeded spot
for late fall and early spring grass.
Now back to that floor to be finished
another day.


ellen abbott said...

whether or not the floor underneath was rotten, it was definitely time for that orange carpet to go! Orange carpet!


Loved this post. I too have a Tractor Man. He does love what I call his TRACK. He too will put off jobs and unlike you I don't attempt big jobs but he cannot contain himself when I do start something. He's in it within minutes.
I will remember your talents when I need a job done right!!!
Thanks, Barb

Lynne said...

Why is it "tractor men" appear when we want to do it ourselves?

I made a rule . . . I drive the tractor . . . don't touch it when I am doing MY projects . . .

My "tractor man" is listening, so far!

(In another life I want to drive tractor!)

Lynne said...

Why is it "tractor men" appear when we want to do it ourselves?

I made a rule . . . I drive the tractor . . . don't touch it when I am doing MY projects . . .

My "tractor man" is listening, so far!

(In another life I want to drive tractor!)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so impressed at your skills, i can barely hang a picture on a wall and if i measure 3 times and cut once, I will most definitely have to cut again. i get bob to do things he doesn't want to do by starting them and he will not let me finish... once he came home from work, and the shocks for the front of my car that had been in the garage for 2 months, were open and i had the hood up and the shocks and his tool box out there like i was doing it myself. he had them on in 20 minutes...

TexWisGirl said...


Far Side of Fifty said...

Good job with the soil erosion fabric! Tractor man sure came in handy ! :)

Empty Nester said...

Hahahahahaha...ok, now that I've nearly stopped laughing...that's how I got the front bedroom painted- I went in there and started and here he comes- with advice. To which I replied--well, you don't want me to type that here. Anyway, he got in there and the room was done pretty quickly! Ah, manipulation. :) Although, that time I really wanted to just do it myself. But he, like yours, can't stand it. He just has to get in there. Falling through like that? Yep, mine did that too. Only it was through the attic- the lovelies and I looked up and all we saw were his two legs dangling and we tried so hard not to laugh. We were unsuccessful.

Pat said...

You are one determined lady. I can see why it drives you crazy when Tractor Man stands behind you while you work.

I agree. It was time to get rid of that orange carpet!

Irene said...

I think you're more than capable of doing these jobs by yourself and doing them very well too. God only knows what you would achieve if left to your own devices.

Sandy Livesay said...

Hey There Gail,
You're a busy beaver there girl! Determined is your new nickname!!!!
I laughed with you when you mentioned Tractor Man falling. I'm glad he wasn't hurt. Agreed with the orange carpet, it was time to say good bye. Don't work to hard!

LindaG said...

I do wish we had a bucket loader.
Great job of recycling!
Have a wonderful Sunday!

LilliStJohn said...

prevention of soil erosion - great idea to recycle all that and put it to good use. I am having a little giggle at imagining TM hanging in there and you coming to the rescue. My Dad also taught us to do things on our own. I may not have always picked the right tools, but did get the job done and quite well done I might add. I am still giggling at that statement " I think i'll just rest here a bit". Have a great day

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