a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sometimes You Bend, Sometimes You Break...

Saturday Centus prompt by Jenny Matlock  

Every week Ms Jenny gives us a writing prompt.  The rules are the same only the prompt changes. 

PROMPT: "Sometimes you bend. Sometimes you break."
WORD COUNT - Not to exceed 106 (including the prompt)

PICTURES - Any Additional

Once upon an autumn day
Harry Tarantula came to play
Border Collie noticed the arrival
Didn’t consider it a threat to survival
As he reared to scare her away
Lil turned another way
The lesser experienced arrived on the scene
Had a discussion and thought Harry was mean
Lil tried to convince them to just stay away
But it’s a danger, Lil said, “No way”!
They jumped back with fear
While Lil just watched with upright ears
Her job was to train the upcoming team
"You need to assess what’s good and what’s mean.
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you break
Important thing is don’t make mistakes."


Country Gal said...

Fantastic ! I loved it photos and all ! Have a wonderful day !

Dreaming said...

Super photos! Great poem! What is it about arachnids?!

Irene said...

Your dogs are sure good to look at and I always like photos of them having adventures. That sure is one heck of a mean looking spider although I'm sure he was more scared than your dohs were. Have a good Sunday! xox

21 Wits said...

It's always wise to send a dog to do a man's job. Of course they are the best attack team ever- if they're in the mood for play!

Rinkly Rimes said...

What dramatic pictures! You live dangerously!

Susan Anderson said...

Lil is a good leader.

And they're all a heck of a lot braver than I am!!


Susan Anderson said...

Lil is a good leader.

And they're all a heck of a lot braver than I am!!


anitamombanita said...

That was terrific!! And the photos were great!! YIKES!!! That's one big spider!!!

anitamombanita said...
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MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantastic poem, love the pics. so you have those spiders where you live? or is that a fake one...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Kudos! That was wonderful!

LilliStJohn said...

I just knew a poem was not that far away. I loved the photos and loved the poem - its exactly how it happened. I sure enjoyed this one Gail. Thanks a bunch.

Lynne said...

THIS WAS SOOOO GOOD! Loved it . . . Creative, delightful, photos!

lissa said...

friend or foe, that's what you have to decide for yourself but it's good to get advice from others

a very creative use of the prompt, hope you have a great day.

Rudee said...

Look at them all ganging up on that spider!

gautami tripathy said...

Love your Centus!

lure of the impure

Pat said...

Just catching up on your posts. Gosh this made me laugh! YOU make me laugh! I'm so used to your spiders by now, I didn't even flinch! Great poem! I enjoyed it!

Jenny said...



I feel all creepy crawly now.

And I really, really want to climb up on my desk!

This was so wonderful!

Even if it did contain a spider!

Clever use of the prompt!

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