a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, September 22, 2012

SC 126 Blah, Blah, Blah...

Oh, how I wait for Ms Jenny's writing challenge each week!  Loads of fun with few rules.  You must  use the number of words assigned, including the prompt words.  You can even add your own pictures.  We can never plan ahead because the prompt is assigned on Saturday.

Join the creative fun at Saturday Centus.

She talked all the time. He wanted silence.

He had tried all the standard things to ignore her, tune her out, daydream about something else. He listened to her incessant talk, useless words she thought he wanted to hear.

Did she really think he wanted to know that the second cousin on her mother’s side had to be committed to the loony bin?

He had explained how the noises, her very words, drilled through his head but she never listened.

The first strike of the hammer slowed her words. The second made them sound like blah, blah, blah. The third finally brought silence.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Blah blah Blah is what i hear when Bob is describing in detail, what he just watched on a NASCAR race or a NHRA drag race. Also that is what i hear when he tells me the story of how he got such and such a car and what year, for the umpteenth time. i am sure he hears blah blah blah when i tell him what bloggers do and say.
i am thinking you are reading way to many mysteries. this could be the first chapter of a book.

LilliStJohn said...

OUCH, blah blah blah - Oh Gail, you must write the rest one day - girl, this is gruesome.

Anonymous said...

OH my ! I had to read back through it to make certain I'd read what I'd read! well done! and a great intro to a longer story...or the ending of one. :) nicely done!

Country Gal said...

You give Steven King a run for his money , girl ! Awesome ! Have a great day !

anitamombanita said...

Oh ouch!! Now that is frightening!!! Great take on the prompt!

lissa said...

oh mine! I didn't see that coming. I think she's in deep trouble, very deep indeed.

great use of the prompt, hope you have a great day.

21 Wits said...

Oh my another blah, blah, blah that ends with C.S.I coming to figure things out....no wonder they alway think it's the hubby...because it usually is! Yikes! A very fine centus indeed! Did you get rid of the hammer? :)

Susan Anderson said...


I think maybe I should screen my conversation with the hubby more carefully...


Rudee said...

I feel like he does all of the time. Good thing I don't keep a hammer handy.

LindaG said...


Good writing though, Gail.
*hugs* ♥

Judie said...

Yikes, Gail! Sounds like a man who should have been drowned at birth!!!

Unknown said...

First strike of the hammer? They are in court and he is divorcing her? Great Centus. I love it! Mine is here

Susan Mystery said...

Oh wow! Hope this was the thoughts that were going through his mind. The fact that she still talked after the first blow is amazing. LOL

Nice take on the prompt this week!!!

Pat said...

Wow! This just sent chills down my spine! I will be way more careful when I talk to my husband! Ha ha!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Strikingly dark♫♪

gautami tripathy said...

What an ending!

I love dark..!!

sepia tints

Jenny said...


Love your twist here.

I am drawn to the dark twists.

I wonder what that says about my psyche?


Never mind.

Let's just consider that a rhetorical question - ha!

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