a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Mag 137-Draw A Fork

Our weekly writing challenge from Tess Kincaid at Magpie Tales is always a delight where we have to match our words to her choice of picture.  Give it a try or just read those who entered.  Either way you will not be disappointed nor bored.
It Must Be Time For Lunch Now, 1979, by Francesca Woodman
I must remember
Draw a fork
Draw a fork
If I draw a knife
They take me away
Where there aren't even spoons

It must be time for lunch now
My stomach growls in unison
With the voices
I must remember
Draw a fork
Draw a fork

The ones who take my knives
Do not know the damage a fork can do
I must remember
Draw a fork
Draw a fork

Through the pill fog I know
This innocent fork can end the nightmare
But I cannot give my secret away
I must remember
Draw a fork
Draw a fork.


Lynne said...

I am thinking about this one . . .

Brian Miller said...

alright...there you go, back to a bit of comfortable darkness...hehe...ugh, drawing lots alone is rather scary...a fork or knife...and the damage they can being a factor is a bit scary...it is eerie as the picture...

Laurie Kolp said...

This cuts to the bone...

John Going Gently said...

that photo has me thinking

Country Gal said...

Creepy but good . Have a great day !

Jinksy said...

Scary! :)

christopher said...

They trouble me too....

I have furnished a cave of my own and they can't get to me here, I hope. They have lost interest for now as I fiddle about.

Draw a fork, draw it out and elongate the world like rubber until it nearly snaps.

TexWisGirl said...

wow. so dark.

anthonynorth said...

An excellent dark and edgy read.

Unknown said...

This is definitely edgy and is reminding me of past experiences that will never be forgiven or forgotten. You have left memorable words in my heart Gail. Thank you for sharing this. ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hummm i am thinking.. can you smell the burning sawdust?

Scarlet said...

I agree this is dark and reminds me of somebody on pills, like in an asylum ~

Good one ~

Leovi said...

Interesting and imaginative poem.
PD. Abstract photography can also be visual poetry.

Irene said...

Oh, I like that very much. You more than outdid yourself here. What a masterly poem. Sometimes you have strokes of genius. xox

Ginny Brannan said...

...and over the edge into madness we go, at least the impression I got from the words. I like the spoken train of thought in this. Nicely penned.

LilliStJohn said...

Very Well done Gail - I ber you could spin a tale or two round the olde campfire on Halloween. :)

Doctor FTSE said...

This catches the Woodman's exotic imagination very well.

Magaly Guerrero said...

You've put me some place between the movies "The Others" and "Girl Interrupted." Wow, Gail, this is alive and raw.

izzy said...

Yes- and I am careful to slide any sharp knives away ; so my early morning 'fog' won't have injuries attached.
Not fond of medicated echo's...

Helen said...

You painted a stunning, eerie image with words ... nice!!!

Little Nell said...

'The damage a fork can do', but the damage is already done to this poor demented soul. An unnerving but powerful poem.

Unknown said...

wow - the eerieness of the photo comes through in your poem!

~T~ said...

They might still be suspicious if one is drawing a fork from under the table...
Quite vivid.

Tess Kincaid said...

Scary and coo coo nest crazy...love it...

Harvee44 said...

Tells an interesting story...

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

aha! this is a bit scary... but nicely written...


Anonymous said...

Ominous! I can almost hear the scary background music as the character stares at the fork.. :)


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