a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Football Injures!!!

I do not like to hear that phone ring!  The school called me.  Maria was out taking Marcy to do her shopping. Talk about a hurt elbow!   Before the doc.
After the doc, no bones broken but taking blood tests to see why two injuries in one week.  I can tell you that without going anywhere.  Football hurts!!!  In no other place can three 250 pound guys jump on your back, throw you to the ground and nothing happens but another guy blowing a whistle.

I have often told you how scared I am to see Andrew play and NOW my second grandson, Jake, is playing too.  I am not getting Evan Zander one football!!!  I have enough gray hairs already.
UPDATE:  Doc just called.  Minimal elevation in white blood count, continue current treatment: Steroids, ice pack, wrap, surface cream with some therapy trying to straighten the arm.  The swelling had reduced then a warm bath brought it back worse than before.  If none of this improves the condition, he will be referred  to another doctor for possible drainage of site...ouch!


Dreaming said...

Ooooh, that elbow looks awful.
I agree with you about not liking kids playing football. I think it is too rough. We never encouraged it with our boys, and started them off on soccer. However, even there, as the boys got older, the games got rougher. Our oldest had a concussion from getting hit by the soccer ball.

TexWisGirl said...

ugh! awful!

Susan Anderson said...

Not good!

I got to the point, after several injuries, where I couldn't watch my kids' football games. I stayed home and prayed instead.

Some of my friends thought I should go to "support" them. I answered that my "support" was not telling them they couldn't play! And that was the hardest supporting I ever did, by the way...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it looks painful from here, a true owwie if i ever saw one. oh no on two playing. i am now happy my two boys were not sports inclined.

Country Gal said...

I played hockey when I was younger and had to quit because I blew my knee out . With sports comes injury that's for sure. Hope he heals up good . Just be careful with the steroids they can cause other problems and be addictive ! Have a good day !

Carol Kilgore said...

Ooohh, that elbow hurts me just looking at it. I'm sure the docs will fix him up good as new, but it's not gonna be fun. Does he still want to play?

Galen Pearl said...

I just read an article in the current issue of Readers Digest about football injuries. You might want to take a look at it. I love football and look forward to football season every year. But after reading that article, I'm watching with mixed feelings. Glad everyone is all right!

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Gail, oh no!!!! not to good, hope all is o.k..... Blessings Francine.

Farm Girl said...

I liked football till I have boys. Now I am just not a fan. :) I hope he gets better soon.

Rudee said...


Buttons Thoughts said...

Ouch is right I don't know how you stand it I would be gray too oh yes I already am I would be bald pulling out my hair. Hope he heals well. B

Irene said...

Maybe you should have them play rugbu instead. Then at least the other players don't fall on top of them with all that equipment on and they aren't as heavy either. You have to be very quick and agile in that game. My son played American football and I guess I didn't worry about it enough. I was just glad that he played a team sport because it was good for his moral and his self mage. An injury acquired in a car accident put an end to that career. xox

carolina nana said...

when my oldest son was playing football I was in constant prayer for his well being. That game is barbaric and I can relate to the injuries.
Blessings to you and Andrew as he heals

Sandy Livesay said...

Oh Gail, that is a bad contusion. Agreed, the injuries are from football. Two injuries in a week, the guys are playing rough.

Jake is so cute in the football uniform.

Take a deep breath, boys will be boys. Playing football, there will be injuries.

LindaG said...

Praying he gets well soon, Gail. ♥

Josie Two Shoes said...

I can so sympathize with how you feel! We would not let our son play football in high school because he was still of small stature at that time and we didn't want him badly hurt. He was angry with us then, but understands our reasoning now. He played other sports and did great. My nephews both sustained some pretty rough injuries during fb play. Too dangerous to my thinking... some of those injuries can plague you a lifetime.

LilliStJohn said...

Ooh, Andrew, do not hurt those guitar picking hands n arms. Now if you are interestedin broadening your musical talents to a keyboard or piano, for goodness sake run faster so those big guys can't take you down. Protect those elbows, ankles and hands. Do you have elbow and ankle protectors. Games that result in these type of injuries, should have better protection for all the kids. Take it easy Andrew and repair well.

Laurel's Quill said...

Pretty scarey stuff. but you know, Grnadma, ya can't protect them and they have to learn on their own, don't they. Hopw all is well with that elbow!!!!!!!!! Laurel

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