a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Week Past

During the week several times Hubby came to me to see if I heard pecking on the windows. Though this was something each of us has playfully done in the past, no one was playing this night.   I said, "No, I didn't hear anything.  If there's something the dogs will bark."

This incident happened several times through the past week. Each time Hubby would locate me... suspicious man! Two nights I heard voices outside, male voices arguing.  Couldn't understand the words but did get the tone and emotion of the conversation.  The voices were once at the front and once at the side of the house.  I would look but saw nothing.  I also checked to make sure it wasn't some strange valley echo from Hubby's tv.  I said nothing because the dogs weren't barking.

Last night with the moon brighter I decided to check outside now and then just to satisfy my curiosity.  My nephew, sister, grandson and I separately have seen figures in the past    I have three large windows on each side of the room I am in.  Seeing some movement I changed my body angle to aid my view.

One by one the dogs began to bark not a people bark but a bark nonetheless..

There was a bright light shining through the North windows.  I realized I didn't really want to see what was there. It had been a long day.

I pulled the curtains closed and turned the tv volume up and wrapped the dark around me.


LindaG said...

I would have done the same thing!
And then sent hubby out with his gun.

Stay safe and have a great weekend, Gail!

Primitive Stars said...

Yikes......what the heck......I would be frightened I think....good dogs.....Blessings Francine.

Golden Eagle said...

That must have been creepy. Hope it wasn't anything significant!

Country Gal said...

Not me I would go investigate hoping it would be a ghost . I find ghosts interesting and have had a few run ins with them myself as has my brother with me in an old farm house he once owned . Great writing ,you had me right from the start ! Have a good night.

TexWisGirl said...

i did not need to read this at dark! eek!

Farm Girl said...

You didn't go look? Do you have any idea what it was? Could it be that bright light from that earlier post? Heck, Now I want to come investigate. Not really, I am a huge chicken I would have done the same thing.

Irene said...

You've got me really curious now because I believe there is a logical explanation for everything and that it does not have to do with the super natural. Why did you and Den not go out there together with a flashlight and a gun? You are usually so brave. You must have interlopers. Do not be scared of ghosts. xox

Mary Ann said...

I believe in ghosts.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Like you, I would want to know but not want to know. I would want someone to check it out, but not me! :-) I definitely do believe in ghosts. We have had visitors in our home from time to time that we could sense were present.

Lynne said...

I would be frightened to death but I would have to check this out . . . is this true or one of your stories . . .

LilliStJohn said...

I am surprised you went out alone - I thought women only did that in the movies. How about Den and his loaded rifle - you could have held the flashlight and he the rifle and GEE, maybe we would have heard another GHOST story. Now, the question is, are you writing a make believe story or did this actually happen. Yah just never know with writers, Eh. ha,ha

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow Gail you have me intrigued and scared at the same time. I need to hear more:) B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would have been outside with hubby and both of us with a pistol in our hand. i would never get to sleep if i did not check it out.

Sandy Livesay said...

Yes, I would have investigated the situation with a gun and several of my dogs.

the canned quilter said...

Gail recently we also heard pecking at the windows. Could not figure out what it was. Upon investigation seems that flies had been looking for a warm place to hibernate and had gotten behind the screen. Woodpeckers had pecked holes all in our window screens and destroyed them trying to get at those bugs : ( We actually
caught one in the act. We have since taken all the screens down and put them in storage! Just a heads up ....

jp@A Green Ridge said...

With the dogs in the house, the Pres in his chair and the view we have, I wouldn't be worried at all. Now VA was a different story with the whackos that lived down the road!!!...:)JP

Rudee said...

Uh...please let me know when it's safe to pull the covers off of my head!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I don't think I could have left it at that - I'd want to know! My Dad loved watching the news and sometimes he would get right up next to the television and turn it down low so he wouldn't disturb us. In the middle of the night now when I hear that low murmur of the news I just smile and turn over, knowing that Daddy is just checking down here on earth to see what they're saying on the news. :) blessings, marlene

Susan Anderson said...

Kinda creepy.

Well told, too.


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