a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, November 2, 2012

Looking For Lizzy...

I knew Lizzy's whine. As I sat at my computer I heard it. I looked out the open window but could not find her.  Junior could not find her.

 Squiggie couldn't find her.  I went to each outside door and had no luck.  Lizzy was not in sight.
Hubby found her.
How in the world did Lizzy get there?
Found and back in my arms, silly girl!!!


Irene said...

She must have wanted a good look out point. A silly dog indeed. Does she take after you at all? xox

Buttons Thoughts said...

Lizzy must have been hot:) B

Lynne said...

Maybe she needed to peek in the window to see you?

Lynne said...

I bet someone put her there to trick you!

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, oh sweet Lizzy....just wanted your kind lap.....sweet post.....give all your furbabies a hug from me.....Blessings Francine.

Sandy Livesay said...

Has Lizzy turned into a peeping Tom? Now that is an interesting spot and she blends in very well, lol

What a silly girl :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wonder how she got up there and if she could get down by herself. silly girl

Country Gal said...

What a strange place to be ! She got up and couldn't figure out how to get down so was calling for Mama. I bet your heart sunk when you couldn't find her I know mine would . So glad she has been found , give her a big hug for me and Miggs ! Have a good day !

LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha - loved it, she is silly girl, pulling a stunt like that - how did she get up there, unless she jumped up on that small brick ledge, then on to the air conditioner and then was intimidated to jump back down. Safe in Mommas arms.

TexWisGirl said...

laughing out loud. a dog that thinks she's a cat!

the canned quilter said...

Mine sit on top of the picnic table in the back yard in order to see the rabbits in the field better. Silly puppies : )

Pat said...

This is my take on the situation: She either saw a honking tarantula or a yucky slithering snake going by and thought, "The hell with this noise!" and jumped up on the a/c. "Safe, safe at last!"

Farm Girl said...

She must be a really good jumper. That is a really cute photo.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Seems ya got a Super Lizzy on your hands there!

Cute post!

God bless and have a good weekend!

Dreaming said...

Oh my, don't you wish dogs could talk?

LindaG said...

Haha. Definitely unusual.
Great photo.
Now you can look there first next time. :o)

Josie Two Shoes said...

Too funny, and thankfully a happy, safe result. Missing furbabies is always so scary. Sophie went missing last night in the house at bedtime. I called and called to her, fearing maybe she had slipped outside between our feet. I checked the storage room that I had been in very briefly, no Sophie. Starting to panic, I checked the room one more time. There she sat happily high up on a shelf on a folded quilt. I swear she was smiling as if to say "Oh, were you looking for me? Was that me you were calling for?" Little Brat! But I was sure relieved to find her!

Susan Anderson said...

She is just.so.cute!


Rudee said...

How in the world did she get there?

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