a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Red Chair at The Mag

Meet the challenge at Magpie Tales.
Enjoy visiting the entries.
Also check out Tess's poetry book on her blog.

The empty house could speak.
You only had to listen.
Oh, the tales it told
Of happy times
Of people grown old.

The windows removed
And broken
They found her in the chair
They put her in a "home"
Cause all she did was stare.

The world inside her head
Still lived
Though no expression clear
Wetness on red velvet
No one saw the tears.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful, really it is. i sat and stared for a full minute before i scrolled down and nothing came to me...

Anonymous said...

Wetness on velvet...no ones saw the tears. Drove that home perfectly.

Brian Miller said...

oh man...emotional...so sad to see them put in homes....esp when they may still be so active in their mind...her tears sting me...

Brian Miller said...

oh man...emotional...so sad to see them put in homes....esp when they may still be so active in their mind...her tears sting me...

anthonynorth said...

Beautiful and emotional.

Pat said...

Wow. Very nice! This really tells the story!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Yet another deeply moving poem from your heart, Gail. I could see the lady sitting there, content to travel in her memories of happier times. How unfortunate that they had to take her from the place she knew and loved. We can so easily misinterpret the silence. She sounded quite at peace to me.

Jinksy said...


The Blog of Bee said...

This moved me especially because my daughter-in-law's mother is in this state. Thankfully living at home with an around the clock nurse looking after her. I visit most evenings around 6pm to pray with her. I look into her eyes as she stares at me and wonder what she's thinking.

Berowne said...

An example of good writing - and quite moving.

Dreaming said...

You have brought so much imagery and emotion into your poem. It's lovely - it probably hits me even harder as I deal with my dad.

LindaG said...

Lovely piece, Gail. ♥

We used to have a P Green Chair... ;o)

Ginny Brannan said...

A sad tale, indeed. Oh, if rooms could talk.

Unknown said...

The aged that suffer in silence...... your poem is so beautifully worded. I love the symbolism of the chair. Thank you for sharing this, Gail.

Far Beyond The Ridge said...

So much goes on beneath the silence we see.
I always wonder what's behind the stare.
Lovely, compassionate write

Rashmi said...

Beautiful and touching Gail...

Country Gal said...

Sad story and well written . Have a good day !

Dar said...

A bitter truth. But sweet her memories may have been.

21 Wits said...

Oh and yes those tears could be felt! What a truthful tale of life and memories closing in.

Other Mary said...

This is quite touching Gail, amazing what you get from an empty chair. Kudos.

Laurie Kolp said...

This brings tears to my eyes... so touching.

kelvin s.m. said...

..yes..touching in every stokes... you've delivered a tough, sad piece in here... Great write.

Helen said...

Gail, your poem is touching and sad and beautifully composed.

Frances said...

A very powerful poem. It made me cry. I have not shed many tears since Mum died aged 98 in July this year, and this did the trick! The last verse is particularly poignant. Mum didn't have to go into "a home" which she dreaded.

Lyn said...

Really moved by this life unfolding..sad and beautiful...

Wayne Pitchko said...

sad...beautifullll..nicely done

Tess Kincaid said...

Houses absorb energies...take on personalities of their own...nice write...

Susan Anderson said...

Really evocative, Gail, and just perfect for this prompt.

Well done!


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