a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, November 9, 2012

How Not To Make A Checker Board Table...

I guess I have retired to be a full time home carpenter.  I know I am not good enough to hire but, by golly, I am getting a few things repaired.  The first of which was my now famous pink, uh, Plum room.  Done, finished.  Next room.  Cyber Green is the chosen color.  It is one of those almosta colors, almosta yellow, almosta green.  Anywayyyyy, I have all the furniture from the computer room shoved into the next room in preparation to tear out this sagging floor.  Chip board I loathe thee.

I understand now why Tractor Man avoided that plywood like the plague.  This is not a fun job, it is not a fast job but it an entertaining job that I do sidetrack from quite often.

Thus the ugly picture above.  This is an unwanted fiberboard shelf from the computer table I used in the Plum room.  These are some old table legs that I saved.  Put the two together you got a table.
I carried it outside, used my left over toolbox paint and camo'd the underside and the legs.  I not one for wasting much.  I was proud when my purple can was empty and it could be tossed.  One more thing that doesn't have to be handled again.
 I sanded the beautiful plastic wood veneer top so it would hold the paint.  I have sealed the under side.
 Meet Cyber Green...yep, this is my next room's color.  Plays off the pink, uh, Plum quite nicely.
Two coats are required to make a lovely finish and please keep in mind none of these beautiful photos have been Photo Shopped or Flicker Fixed.  This is my project right outta the camera.
 I taped.
I painted and sponge painted.
 I goofed!  Where's my checker board?
I taped again and yes, that is my lovely plum color.
Can't waste a thing!
I carried it outside.  After a few touch ups I sprayed the entire top with a clear shiny coat of polyurethane.  Meet my new Plum and Cyber Green game table.  It would have been easier to throw some things away! 


Rudee said...

It looks amazing!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow good job I love that table you clever woman you. B

Sandy Livesay said...

You did a fabulous job, I love it!!!

LilliStJohn said...

That's an amazing job Gail - leave it to you to keep leftovers and come up with a nice rig like that. You got quite the imagination and talent to put things together. Don't waste anything - isn't that what our parents taught us.
Beautiful, love it, want one :)
lol an same to family

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ROFL at the first attempt, the second one is perfect. great job...you done good. AGAIN

Country Gal said...

Awesome job ! I like it ! Finding out you are quite the handy dandy women now aren't you ? Have a good day my friend !

TexWisGirl said...

now that's sharp!!! well done!

Dreaming said...

Yes, it would have been easier to throw it away.... but then what would you have written about?
Love the table - it looks very nice!

Unknown said...

I am very impressed with your design. I think it was very smart going with table legs and base because that is the area that can make or break your design. Very innovative and creative. Kudos to you my friend.

Carol Kilgore said...

Cool table! Good job :)
Happy Weekend!

Are We There Yet! said...

Well that turned out GREAT!! I wish all my goofs would turn out like yours.

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Gail, wow!!!!. .....looks wonderful, great job on the table......Blessings Francine.

Susan Anderson said...

Okay, THAT is impressive!!


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Very cool. You are a handywoman.


Pat said...

What a clever idea! You could turn around and sell that for a pretty price! Seriously! You are always amazing me!

Dar said...

Look at you go, girl! That's one nifty table. Now, whatcha gonna make the playing pieces out of?
Waiting to see.

Alica said...

I have a lot of leftover paint down in the basement...I imagine you could find all kinds of uses for it! :) Very clever!

LindaG said...

You are awesome, Gail. I love it! I would buy it, too.
Have a wonderful evening!

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