a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, March 3, 2013


A subject TexWisGirl covered very well this morning.  I agree with everything she said. Hoping many use the clear directions she provided to execute those changes.

One strong point that hit home for me was scheduling a meme.  I've been waiting for one that I usually do on Sunday...late again.  I know, I know, picky!  These can be scheduled ahead of time...any post can.   So to avoid unnecessary self-induced stress I will not be doing that any more.  I like to write my posts when it moves me not dependant on others for a prompt prompt.  If I lose followers because of that...sorry. That's how my cookie crumbles.

I've never been very good about jumping through hoops for anyone.  So I return to blogging meme-free.

Who knows what might turn up here...Saturdays and Sundays are open.


Deb said...

I agree I gave up doing them also...lost some followers..but not the ones that really counted...

Empty Nester said...

I know what you mean. I run hot and cold on memes. Sometimes I like that they keep me posting and sometimes I get annoyed because they're in the way of a more spontaneous post. I have two that have become habit though. And I would totally miss everyone on those days! I can't wait to see what you turn out for us to read! I'm absolutely certain it will be entertaining!

Farm Girl said...

That is a good point. I think I am too loosy-goosy to do it much. Not to mention I always have these thoughts that go around in my brain wanting to get out and blogging has helped me to keep those thoughts and voices quiet. I think blogging is bout sharing your bit of life with the world, you can't make everyone happy all of the time, but if it makes you happy, then that is the best. Having a place where I can write has helped my writing so much and that is why I started it to have discipline to write.
I like why and how you write and how you think. Have a nice day.

allhorsestuff said...

Good On You Gail!

On A Dissimilar Note,I Was Just Wanting To Get Back Into Memes. Just The Photo Kind, No Writing.Those, To Me, Are Encouraging, Making Me Visit With
Folks I Don't Know. I End Up Keeping
Some Friends To

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i tried the meme and felt the same way, i don't like trying to find what i am told to find, i like it to fall on me or pop in my mind. also following the memes i get to many comments and more people who want to follow and be followed and i cant do more now. Meme is a great way to find new friends when a person starts, and is good for people who love classroom instructions. some love it some don't. so do what you want when you want because i DO

Steven W said...

I have to be moved to blog too. too much pressure and it feels forced. Plus, I like to think of blogging as having conversations with people. Conversations shouldn't be a chore. I bet you don't lose many followers at all.


Josie Two Shoes said...

Funny you should say that, since just last night I eliminated a couple weekly writing prompts from my list as well, since I found myself doing them more out of obligation than enjoyment. A third one finally seems to have gotten back on schedule, but I decided awhile back that I will only participate if it shows up on time, no more waiting for a reason to write! I'm still debating whether to continue TST, going to give it a couple more weeks, then decide if it's worth my time, as there is not a whole lot of interest. It's funny how we get in habits and then stick to them like they are law! We feel so much lighter when we change up our routine to better suit us!

Josie Two Shoes said...

By the way, you write WONDERFUL stories Gail, use one of your own amazing photos as a prompt, or choose one from Google images. That's often the source of my inspiration.

Lynne said...

Great post by Tex, happy you repeated it here, and I am going to do the same.

Never understood what a meme was . . . finally looked it up. I have joined a few, and even then, participated at my will.

I guess I treat Irish Garden House as my creation and do best creating for/in on my own and in my own time frame.

In my mind, you are a writer and a "gift" on your own.

TexWisGirl said...

thank you, dear gail, for the support and for linking to my post! really means a lot to me!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It's your blog - you set the rules!

Betty Manousos said...

couldn't agree more with you and all the commenters.

well said!

hope you're enjoying your weekend.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I take advantage of the scheduling when my schedule is just too full otherwise, I create the night before since I'm a planner and an organization nut!...:)JP

Arkansas Patti said...

Memes are great for keeping your feet to the fire and do provide structure. I am too all over the place and sporadic for such a narrow trail. I really enjoy reading blogs that are spontaneous.You are great at those.

LindaG said...

I've missed a couple days, sorry. I don't even know how that happened.
Though we almost spent a night in the house, haha.
It's your blog, Gail. Gosh. If you lose readers, oh well. You write what you want when you want and hopefully I will catch up as I can.
Have a great week!

LilliStJohn said...

I have never missed any, for I do not have any - my mind is free to wander and think my own thoughts. I am not a planner, cannot adhere myself to like schedule or be too organized. When I feel the urge to write, I write - when I have photos to show, I show em, When I have a story to share, I share it. I have many "future posts", that are not quite finished yet. I appreciate my small loyal following and I love following/reading my fav's. I do not worry if my followers list does not grow - some people find me and seem to like my posts, cause they kinda stick around - thanks to all who stick around. When the prompt comes within yourself it's all yours. Work the brain, You've got a story to tell all around you and I love your posts. ON THE OTHER HAND, sometimes "meme" could be kinda neat, for you might just trigger a great poem, photo, story etc, but "meme" is not for this spontaneous SaucyKod. To each their own, Eh....OR Whater floats yer boat, as we say in the Maritimes.

Susan Anderson said...

I just do the ones that appeal to me, and that seems to work fine for now. I hear what you're saying, though.

As long as you keep writing, I don't care whether you use memes or not. I just like to read your stuff!


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