a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3/13/13...Tidbits and Rambles

In numerology that would just be a two.  I think that is on a scale of one to nine.  Have no idea what it means, just throwing it out there.

Does 333 mean half of the beast since 666 is the mark of the beast?

My washer died.  Hubby had purchased an extended warranty so that repair was "free". Took them over a week to get here but supposedly it is repaired again.

I lost my blog for a while and panicked.  I received emails from a few people wondering what was wrong.  Google was playing hide-n-seek, I guess.  It should be easy to back it up but the inside workings of a computer scare me as much as repairing a lawn mower.  I'm good at neither.

While cleaning my computer I found several comments in my junk mail. WHAT???  I have all comments come to email and reply from there.  I discovered the ones in junk were the no-reply-comment bloggers.  Anyway I un-junked them so if I missed replying fuss at me.  It's okay.  Google must have been smoking some good/bad stuff this past weekend.

The Three Dollar Chair that I mourned and was gonna burn has been resurrected and is back in use.  With my nice battery impact drill, a few screws and a few choice words I reassembled that baby.  The Gorilla Glue expanded and the screws are unmatched.   If you don't look really close it looks pretty good and is solid.  Why would I spend all this time on a fifty-plus year old three dollar yard sale chair??  Just because I can.  If you've been with me long you know I'm pretty persistent...and that is a big understatement.

I always think it's silly when people talk baby talk to their animals.  This week I've been trying to film Lizzy to share...horror of horrors...I talk baby talk to my dogs!  I shall have to apologize for all those things I thought when I heard other people do that.  After all that work I still couldn't upload  my baby talking Southern drawl to blogger. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

And it's just Wednesday...wonder how the rest of my week will go.  I know one thing, I won't be bored.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i very much enjoyed your post today, ramble on, i loved it. see if you can email me the baby talk and i will make it smaller and send it back.
good girl on the chair. i am persistent to, but only on things i really want to do... if it is something i really don't want to do anyway, i give up easily.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say i had no idea today was 13 13 13 thanks

TexWisGirl said...

glad you got you blog back. google freaks out at times, for sure.

i like that you salvaged that chair one more time. you are a stubborn one.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

You my dear are a woman of the same ilk as myself....so babble on.
If you really want to know how to back up your blog the easy way....go to Plumrose Lane.blogger.com, Sharon has a super easy way to back it up. Even I the scaredycomputerperson, did it. Ta Dah.
Blogger continues to be a thorn in my side but....I still can dance, right?
Happy midweek and cheers to the rest, Oma Linda

Rudee said...

Blogger can be two-faced.

I'm not surprised you opted to resurrect your yard sale chair!

Deb said...

I love old chairs...glad you got yours to last a little longer...scarey on the computer stuff...hope Sandra helps you with the video...you got me interested now...

Josie Two Shoes said...

Delighted to hear the $3 chair has been returned to service - I love your determination to repair rather than replace. I wish more people followed that practice!!

I also used to be one who rolled my eyes at people talking baby talk to their pets and treating them as if they were infants or royalty in the house. However, I must admit that now that our own children have grown and flown the next, the furkids are indeed treated as very spoiled grandbabies.

Dreaming said...

I had some funky thngs happen with some of my applications - maybe it was sunspots or something!

Dreaming said...

I had some funky thngs happen with some of my applications - maybe it was sunspots or something!

Farm Girl said...

I liked this post very much. I know I talk baby talk to all of my animals and even my chickens. It drives me nuts.
That is funny that you do too. You didn't know you did?
I am glad you fixed your chair. I was sad when you were going to throw it out. I have a chair like that, I should throw it out too but well you know how hard that it. Have a nice day.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Just because you can - funny!
I've heard others say their blogs vanished for a couple hours, but they always come back.

Anonymous said...

You are incredible! I respect your tenacity! I am glad you got your chair back! I am are for comfort, and am a creature of habit. You go, Girl!

Golden Eagle said...

I'm sorry to hear you lost your blog! But at least it's back now. :)

I've found comments in Spam, too. Frustrating, since I don't check that folder often and legitimate comments can sit there for a while.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Someday I wanna feel what boredom feels like. Daughter Social Butterfly used to say, "Mom I'm boring"....BIG MISTAKE! Heeehehehee!

Google has had goblins as of lately. 'Just sayin'.....

Have yourself one remarkable day sweetie! :o)

Buttons Thoughts said...

First off I was wondering how Nezzy was it is nice to know she is still around:)

Google did some weird things this weekend still some problems I guess you get what you pay for:) Glad your back I freaked when I lost my blog. B

Brian Miller said...

ha. i do not think i baby talk my cat...i will have to conciously watch....

half a beast...hopefully the tasty half...smiles...

um, hope the washer is fixed...that could start to stink...smiles.

Lynne said...

Don't frighten me like that . . . No Losing Blog . . . Ever!

Happy the chair is back in working order!

Great . . . caught yourself didn't you . . . baby talk . . .

LindaG said...

Congratulations on getting that chair fixed, Gail!

Susan Anderson said...

Really enjoyed this post with a little bit of everything going on...

Really have NOT enjoyed having my washer broken for three weeks...yes THREE...because that's how long it takes Sears to get someone out here on my service contract.

Whatever happened to Sears?? Their customer service used to be second to none.

Hope your washer is in the pink now. And hope mine will be after today's visit, which has finally arrived.

My neighbor will be glad to get me out of her laundry room!


Far Side of Fifty said...

So glad your blog came back..scary. Good thing the washer is fixed I would hate to think of you beating clothes against the rocks at the creek:)

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